I feel like I know Donald Trump. I do. I have never met the man. While it is true that I grew up in New York and never remember a time when he was not part of the public consciousness, we never met.
A young Donald J. Trump.
So, it may be strange to say that I feel like I was raised by Trump. I feel like I know him the way I know him because he reminds me of someone I do know. Someone I know very, very well. He could be my father (photo above).
How are John Edward Gill and Donald J. Trump similar? Well, I think they look a little alike. I haven’t seen my dad in a long time but I a sure he has a comb over, though it probably looks less alien than Trump’s.
They are also both sociopathic, narcissistic liars who are predators. When confronted with their actions both have almost the same response.
I think I was 10 or 12 when this was taken. I may be wrong but I think this might be the last photo ever taken of me and him.
When Trump was accused of groping women, he said, “Look at them! Like I woukd do that!” When I confronted my dad when I thought he might be the Long Island serial killer, he responded, “Alyson, those murders are on the south shore of Long Island, that’s a 45 minute drive from here.” Both men think the people who exist in their orbit, exist just for them. They are the only thing that matters.
Both men are liars. They make promises, get the accolades that go along with doing something good for someone else but then there is no follow through. With Trump it is every charity that he has pledged to give to that has never received a dime. It is the way he donates other people’s money in his own name (you can look all of this up).
For my dad, it was a whole slew of promises made and promises broken. He is a violent man and after every bad experience with that, a promise would follow. To buy me something. The first few times, I believed him but that didn’t last.
Both Trump and my dad are very charming (when they want to be) men who are deeply insecure. They need to control everything around them.
When I look at Trump, I see a man who grew up in Queens who desperately wants to be accepted in Manhattan. For my father, I am not really sure what he thinks he wants but I do know a common refrain around the house when I was a child was, “When I say jump, you say, ‘how high?’”
When I see Trump, and I do think (despite never having met him and I know this is all conjecture taken really far), he has changed over the years. Where he was always a douchebag, he seems to be a incoherent one now where he was not before.
Maybe I am just seeing something that isn’t there but I swear, on all that I hold holy, I feel the two men could be the same person.