It's not tax cuts for the rich. It's not Brett Kavanaugh. It's not the economy, stupid. It's private citizen Hillary Clinton and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who are going to clinch this thing for Republicans. Politico writes:
Over the last 30 days, close to 100 Republican-funded TV spots casting Hillary Clinton, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — or both — as villains have aired more than 34,000 times, according to data compiled for POLITICO by Advertising Analytics.
In Senate battlegrounds Indiana, Missouri, and West Virginia alone, Republicans turned to ads featuring either Clinton or Pelosi more than 1,100 in each state. Overall, they dropped nearly $30 million on Clinton-Pelosi fearmongering last month. Just think about that: Hillary Clinton is a private citizen who makes a few speeches, gives the occasional interview, and stars in the predictable “Lock her up!” chants at Trump rallies.
The emphasis on her and Pelosi is completely predictable and also a show of desperation. It reeks of a party that can't scrape up a positive message for the life of them, so they're just turning to the time-tested female boogeymen to scare the bejesus out of their white male base.
But given the yawning gender gap that will sweep over Republicans next month, the GOP is placing their bets on an ad campaign reaffirming that they don't care about women and they don't give a damn about female votes. Whatever it does in terms of driving out their base, it’s narrowing their options rather than expanding them.
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