The latest events in this weekly update to the Trump Russia Corruption Timeline includes the news that Meuller and Trump’s attorneys have agreed to answer 15 questions specifically about his involvement and his campaigns knowledge of Russia’s attacks on the 2016 elections.
President Trump's legal team has begun preparing answers to written questions posed by special counsel Robert Mueller's team, sources directly involved in the process say.
There is no timetable for the written responses to be returned to Mueller's office, since the answers have not yet been shared with Mr. Trump — a necessary step before the legal team replies to Mueller. A meeting with the president to discuss the written responses could occur next week, sources said. CNN first reported the president's legal team had begun crafting answers.
Mueller's office recently sent about 15 questions to Mr. Trump's legal team as part of a negotiated process to address the issues related to candidate Trump, Russia and campaign encounters that are part of Mueller's investigation. The two sides agreed to have Mueller send questions on the campaign-era issues that would be answered in writing, the sources said.
This has been part of a long negotiated effort by Mueller to get questions answered by Trump which has been consistently blocked by his attorneys, and I suppose they believe this may be the “safest” method of satisfying Mueller without putting Trump himself in a “perjury trap”, but the reality may be that judging by the way Giuliani and Sekulow have been answering some of the questions in public so far, this could make things much worse for him.
For example Jay Sekulow has argued to Chris Cuomo that Trump clearly didn’t mean to obstruct justice when he fired James Comey because he admitted to Lester Holt that doing so would probably cause the Russia probe to be extended.
“There is actually a transcript of the entire Lester Holt interview,” the attorney said. “And as you know, because you do TV and know that when there are interviews, there are edits and there is a longer transcript. And I will just tell you without disclosing any detail, that when you review the entire transcript, it is very clear as to what happened and I’m not going to give you information on how we provided it, but in our professional discussions with the office of special counsel, we have addressed that on multiple occasions appropriately.”
And for that he gets a gold star because CBS actually did edit the video and cut out that portion of what Trump said.
Holt: But were you a fan of him taking up that investigation?
Trump: I think that … about the Hillary Clinton investigation?
Holt: No, about the Russia investigation and possible links between …
Trump: No, I don’t care … look, look, let me tell you. As far as I’m concerned I want that thing to absolutely be done properly. When I did this now, I said I probably, maybe, will confuse people. Maybe I’ll expand that, y’know. I’ll lengthen the time because… it should be over with, it should … in my opinion. It should have been over with a long time ago. [This was last May 11th] because all it is, is an excuse. But I said to myself I might even lengthen out the investigation, but I have to do the right thing for the American people, he’s the wrong man for that position.
That would be conclusive evidence in Sekolow’s mind, but it ignores that Trump had tried to have Stephen Miller draft a memo to justify firing Comey which was shot down as “problematic” by Don McGahn causing him to call him Rod Rosenstein to provide a completely different excuse. And, oh by the way, Meuller already has a copy of that original memo.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly obtained a letter detailing President Donald Trump‘s reasons for abruptly firing former FBI Director James Comey, which sparked a probe into whether the president obstructed justice.
The letter, drafted by Trump and top aide Stephen Miller and intended to be sent to Comey, has been blocked by White House Counsel Donald McGahn because he found some of its contents “problematic,” the New York Times reported.
Besides this, the firing of Comey isn’t the obstruction — that was retaliation for his failing to kowtow to the obstructionist request of “letting the Flynn thing go.” There was also the repeated demand to publicly state that Trump himself “wasn’t under investigation” even though the DOJ wasn’t ready yet to even reveal that there even was a current investigation until a few months later. Revealing the existence of the investigation before the DOJ is ready, if only to make Trump feel good about not being part of an investigation that hasn’t yet been revealed, is another version of obstruction since it could have potentially hampered their ability to gather evidence without their potential targets being aware of what was happening.
Similarly Rudy Giuliani has his own logical and factual challenges.
Giuliani here claimed that Cohen is a “repeated Liar” as if Trump isn't a god damn repeated liar who just barely a month previously referred all questions about the Stormy Daniels “matter” to his “attorney Michael Cohen” and he now says this is a credibility question between them, then when pressed by Cuomo about Trump lies where he claims the Mueller probe is a “Hoax, made up by the Democrats to justify losing when they should have won" Giuliani repeatedly claims he doesn't mean what he’s literally said.
We also now know that when Trump claimed in April on AF1 the “he didn’t know anything about” the payment to Daniels, he was lying because back in February he’d requested that Cohen and Trump Organization attorney Jill Martin file a restraining order against Daniels in order to force her into arbitration over the resolution of the NDA which had been arranged by Cohen.
So neither of these guys is nearly as good as they think they are at keeping their bullshit straight, still it’s arguably better than Trump’s performance this week on 60 Minutes whlie being questioned by Leslie Stahl where he made the ridiculous claim that he was “very respectful” to Dr. Chistine Blasey Ford.
When it came to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Trump said he didn’t mimic her or make fun of her. He claimed he was really just calling into question what she didn’t remember.
“Had I not made that speech, we would not have won,” Trump said. “I was just saying she didn’t seem to know anything and you tried to destroy the life of a man who has been extraordinary.”
Trump’s speech was factually inaccurate, Dr. Ford did have a lot of information, described the house in such great detail that reporters were able to locate the house the assault likely occurred in and which friend of Kavanaugh’s lived there at the time. The date was uncovered by using the calendar Kavanaugh released showing July 1 was likely when the party she referenced took place.
“Why did you have to make fun of her?” Stahl asked.
“I didn’t really make fun of her,” Trump said.
Stahl said that when speaking at the hearing, one thing Dr. Ford remembered the worst moment was that the two men were laughing at her.
“OK,” Trump said, shrugging his shoulders.
“And then I watched you mimic her and thousands of people were laughing at her,” Stahl explained.
“They can do what they — I will tell you this,” Trump said. “The way now Justice Kavanaugh was treated has become a big factor in the midterms.”
“But did you have to–” Stahl cut in.
“I think she was treated with great respect,” Trump said about the Senate hearing. “There are those who think she shouldn’t have been.”
“But do you think you treated her with great respect?” Stahl asked.
“Oh, yes, I do,” he answered.
Honestly, if you put that guy in front of Mueller he’d talk himself straight into solitary confinement for perjury and obstruction within 5 minutes. However, I don't think Sekulow or Giuliani are that much less deluded even if they think they already know what most of the Mueller other witnesses have already told Mueller because they have joint defense agreements with most of them.
The president's attorneys talk openly about these “joint defense agreements” that they say were established to keep them connected with lawyers tied to the president’s aides, allies and associates. They took the lead in organizing weekly conference calls earlier this year to strategize with other counsel during an intense period of Mueller’s investigation. In total, Trump’s lawyers have publicly noted they have more than 30 so-called JDAs with Mueller probe targets. Under these agreements, Trump’s attorneys can seek details on everything from what questions and documents Mueller’s team is asking about to who’s on the verge of criminal indictment.
But then again they no longer have a Joint Agreement with Michael Cohen and they have no more access to what Paul Manafort may have been saying to Mueller since he reached a full cooperation agreement last month.
The plea agreement reached between Paul Manafort and the special counsel’s office requires Manafort to cooperate “fully, truthfully, completely, and forthrightly” with the government on “any and all matters” identified by the government.
Though early reports on plea deal negotiations indicated Manafort was hesitant to agree to a deal that required his full cooperation, the agreement reached is broad and sweeping in outlining the former Trump campaign chairman’s obligation to cooperate, with zero exceptions.
The plea agreement filed Friday afternoon requires Manafort to attend all meetings requested by investigators regarding his participation in or knowledge of criminal activities. He must also give the government all documents and materials related to the investigation and participate in directed “undercover activities.” Manafort is also required to testify in legal proceedings and must always give “complete, truthful, and accurate information.”
If Trump and his lawyers have basically concocted a bunch of half-true defensive bullshit like what we’ve already seen from them using the information leaked to them by other attorneys via the JDA’s, they're really not going to know if Cohen or Manafort have provided statements, documents and emails blowing Death Star-sized holes in their crap until it’ s much, much too late.
This is made more evident by former CIA Officer Alex Finley who tweeted in response to a Guardian report on Trump’s attorneys response the the DNC lawsuit saying it literally screams collusion.
The Trump campaign argued in a legal filing that WikiLeaks could not be held liable for publishing emails that were stolen by Russian hackers ahead of the 2016 US election because the website was simply serving as a passive publishing platform on behalf of a third party, in the same way as Google or Facebook.
The campaign also said in a legal filing that any alleged agreement between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to publish the emails could not have been a “conspiracy” because WikiLeaks’ decision to release the stolen emails was not an illegal act. The court filing was written in response to a civil lawsuit brought against the Trump campaign by two of Hillary Clinton’s donors and a former employee of the Democratic party.
Analysts say the legal filing is also significant because it hints at how officials in the Trump White House or individuals who served on the campaign may eventually seek to defend themselves against any criminal charges alleging that they conspired with WikiLeaks to release the emails.
The legal arguments suggest the Trump White House would argue WikiLeaks was not criminally liable for the release of the emails and that it therefore would not be a criminal conspiracy to work with the website on their release.
Mueller has already indicted the GRU Hackers who hacked and stole the emails, and they’ve also documented in that indictment how they used the fake persona of Guccifer 2.0 to create DCLeaks as a website to distribute them until then passing them over to Wikileaks who were fully complicit in their influence operations.
The Guardian analysis quotes Ryan Goodman, the former special counsel of the Pentagon, who breaks down why the Trump campaign’s claims about WikiLeaks’ liability do not hold up.
According to Goodman, special counsel Robert Mueller’s recent indictment of Russian hackers established that WikiLeaks played an “active role” in the timing of releasing the stolen DNC emails.
“That fact, which was not known before, could significantly change the calculus as to whether they could claim immunity under the Communications Decency Act [Section 230] because they are no longer playing a passive role,” he explained.
Finley states this defense that Wikileaks wasn’t part of the conspiracy is just plain preposterous.
If this is the quality of defense that Trump is getting, he’s in deep trouble particularly since the evidence of collusion and the decisive influence of the Russia campaign seems to be getting stronger, not weaker.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, author of the new book, “Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President,” went into the writing process skeptical of Kremlin influence on the 2016 election — but came away convinced that foreign interference was crucial to Trump’s win.
“Three ways to get there,” Jamieson told MSNBC. “Trolls, those are the imposters in cyberspace, the influence of hacking on the media agenda, including hacked content used as the basis of questions that hurt Clinton in two debates, and the possible influence of Russian disinformation on James Comey’s decision on Oct. 28, (2016), to basically let the public know that he would re-open the investigation. Changed the media agenda, she dropped in the polls 2.5 percent — that could have been a decisive influence all by itself.”
Also this week there was the Kanye Kurfuffle which really has the right-wing up in arms over "racism" by black people against another black person who happens to support Trump, which generally should be called "partisanship.”
CNN is being accused of racism after commentators Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer bashed rapper Kanye West over his support for Trump on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, going so far as to call him a “token negro.”
“Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read,” CNN commentator Bakari Sellers said, in reference to an old Chris Rock bit.
CNN’s Tara Setmayer went even further, calling Kanye West a “an attention whore like the president.”
“He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson—he’s the token Negro of the Trump Administration?” she also said.
Don Lemon laughed and giggled throughout the segment as the two commentators degraded Kanye West.
Yeah, ain't it something that Repubs can only recognize racism when they think a Democrat is doing it, or a Conservative is on the recieving end of it? Here’s the thing though, they were talking about the fact that Kayne himself admitted that he has mental health issues during his rant in the Oval Office. He shouted out “muther-fucker” and “bullshit” during the tirade, and the fact truly is that Trump is just using him as a “racism shield” against criticism of his blatantly bigoted policies.
The proof of this is the fact that none of the actual valid issues that Kanye brought up have been even slightly addressed by the GOP or Trump. Not hardly. He talked about the school to prison pipeline, as well as the “trap door” of slavery and indentured servitude that still exists with the 13th Amendment for the “duly convicted”, something that has been long ignored until
Ava Duverney’s Netflix documentary 13th finally addressed it.
"The third piece, and I tell you, it just can't be understated, is that fact that the community has now re-engaged with the police department and are helping us to reduce the violence," Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson told CNN affiliate WLS TV on Tuesday.
Apparently getting the community involved works while getting “tough” with innocent people as well as the guilty — doesn’t. Who knew? [Ok, ok, everyone except Trump and Sessions it seems.]
The argument is that Trump was simply using Kanye and also more disgustingly taking advantage of his mental health issues is clearly absolutely true because Trump is going the exact wrong direction on criminal justice, failing to restore the voting rights act, better access to quality education and fighting racism and discrimination than the desires of the black community, including Kanye himself.
Unfortunately, Kanye is basically the worst possible ambassador for these issues because of clownish behavior and statements -- such as saying the MAGA hat is like Superman's Cape, he felt a "male energy" with Trump that he didn't feel with “i’m with her”, and that Trump should be flying in an “IPlane” — all of which pretty much cloud and distract from anything worthwhile he actually might bring up. He's actually done damage to the movement to repair the 13th Amendment because now people think that’s a wack-a-doodle idea. People on the left and the right want to help American businesses grow strongerthat's not a partisan issue — but Kanye simply isn't an effective spokesman for that issue, or any issue.
Lastly we have the killing of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi which appears to be hitting a fever pitch as the Saudi’s have after two weeks of bullshit and lies finally begun to admit that his death was accidental as a result of an “interrogation gone wrong.”
The Saudis are preparing a report that will acknowledge Jamal Khashoggi's death was the result of an interrogation that went wrong — one that was intended to lead to his abduction from Turkey, according to two sources.
One source says the report will likely conclude that the operation was carried out without clearance and transparency and that those involved will be held responsible.
Ah, yes, yet again we have implausible deniability that Saudis would fly 15 people to Istanbul to interrogate and kidnap Khashoggi with an “autopsy expert” who brought a BONE SAW with him for some reason— lie about it for two weeks — only to suddenly admit everything including cutting his body into bite size pieces to be secretly shipped and that somehow no Saudi officials knew anything about it until just now?
Previously Trump said he wouldn’t do anything because he didn’t want to hurt the $110 Billion arms deal — which hasn’t been finalized — with the Saudis, then he said he believed the King Salman that it was “rogue killers” who did the deed. Now we’re supposed to believe that the guy who call Putin, Duterte, Xi and Kim Jong Un his “pals” and also continues to believe “torture works” is going to implement serious sanctions using the Magnitsky Act against the Saudis over human rights and killing a journalist whom he repeatedly call the “enemy of the people?”
Anyone who believes that will probably be willing to buy Manafort’s old condo in Trump Tower from Bob Mueller who has now confiscated it.
Here are the remaining daily events for this week.
October 10th —
Trump says China is not ready for a trade deal, repeats threat of more tariffs.
Richard Pinedo Jr. who had pleaded guilty to identity theft by Mueller and had apparently helped the Russians implement some of their money laundering schemes is scheduled to be sentenced today in Federal court. He gets six months in federal prison and two years probation.
Hurricane Michael approaches landfall at the Florida panhandle as a Category 5, causing massive devastation in it’s wake.
USA Today publishes an error filled fact-challenged editorial by Trump criticizing Democrats and Medicade-for-All.
Pro Publica reports that Trump had personally lobbied Japan PM Shinzo Abe to support a casino project by GOP megadonor Shelden Adelson.
Pollster Larry Sabato says the ‘Red wave ain’t gonna happen’: .
Rand Paul gets slammed after saying the current political rhetoric will get someone killed : ‘Her name was Heather Heyer’:
Melania wants it both ways: ‘I do stand with women, but we need to show the evidence’.
Brian Kilameade suggests on Fox that #MeToo ‘has gone too far’ because pioneer women were ‘tougher’ about rape. [They were also tougher about Bear and “Injun” attacks, you want more of those too?]
DHS Secratary Neilsen freaks out under questioning from Sen. Kamala Harris: We do not ‘detain’ children, we ‘care for them’. [In Detention Tent Camps in the Texas desert?]
Trump say Hurricane Michael is “Like a big tornado”, then goes to a campaign event in Pennsylvania as landfall approaches.
The Kushner Family companies sell a building at 225 Randolph in New York which had been linked to a pay-for-play scam with Apollo Global Management.
The Dow drops over 800 points in a massive stock sell off, which Trump claims is just a “correction.”
Brett Baier reports on Fox News that Chief Justice John Roberts has referred over a dozen ethics complaints related to Brett Kavanaugh to outside judges for evaluation.
Senate candidate Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) mocks Colin Kaepernick for being blackballed by the NFL during Trump’s rally. [Kaepernick does have a suit over this, and that’s evidence in his favor.]
WaPo reports that Rosenstein’s 25th Amendment comments were part of a sarcastic joke that arose during an argument with former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. “Rosenstein wanted McCabe out of the Russia probe [because his wife had run for office as a Democrat], and McCabe felt differently, arguing that it was the deputy attorney general [because Rosenstein had written the letter the got Comey fired], not the head of the FBI, who should step away from the case.”
New York Magazine reports that Ben Rhodes and other Obama officials had put together a plan using Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice to certify the election if Trump had contested a win by Hillary Clinton.
Melania whines to ABC News that she’s the most ‘bullied person in the world’. [Nope, not even close.]
Sen. Tom Cotton — without a shred of proof — claims that Sen. Schumer released the Ford letter to the press. “I believe the Schumer political operation was behind this from the very beginning,” Cotton told conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt during his radio show. He reasoning is that one of Ford’s friends Monica McClean who advised her to contact Feinstein, used to work for Preet Bharara who used to be Schumer’s chief counsel. Cotton claims “I strongly suspect that Chuck Schumer’s political operation knew about Ms. Ford’s allegations as far back as July and manipulated the process all along...” However Schumer didn’t even have a copy of the letter from Feinstein on Sept 14th when it was quoted nearly in full by the New Yorker.
October 11th —
Trump’s attorneys agree to answer 15 questions from Mueller in writing on collusion but nothing about obstruction.
Trump supporter claims that harrasment victims need to just ‘cross their legs and quit acting like they want something’. m,,m14
Former CIA analyst Alex Finley says that the Guardian’s analysis of the latest filing by the Trump campaign against the lawsuit by the DNC screams collusion because it admits that they coordinated with Wikileaks who have been indicted by Mueller for their releases of the hacked emails.
Florida suffers about $10-13 Billion in damage from Hurricane Michael which essentially wipes several towns completely off the map.
Kanye’s gives an oval office rant about jobs, slavery, prisons, his M.A.G.A hat makes him feel like Superman because he grew up surrounded by women’s energy and “I’m with her” didn’t appeal to him [which accidentally explains how Trump’s blatant misogyny helped his election chances], says Trump should use an iPlane as AF1 and his $200 Million deal with Adidas saying he’d been mis-diagnosed with bi-polar disorder when he really has sleep deprivation dementia and stuff —which is totally F.U.B.A.R. [So, take a nap will you please — isn’t sleep deprivation dementia the same thing Trump has?]
Thinkprogress reports that while corporate profits have jumped 7% since the passage of the Trump tax cuts average hourly wages have only grown by 0.4% compared to the previous year.
Former BP Deep Water Horizon defense attorney Jeffrey Bossert Clark is confirmed to head the Justice Departments environmental defense division after Republicans are joined by Joe Manchin and Claire McKaskill.
As suspicions rise that Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who has been missing for a week after trying to get a marriage license from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to marry his Turkish fiancee was murdered while inside the building because of his criticism of the repression of the Saudi regime. In response Trump says he’s troubled by the reports, but then questions whether he was a U.S. Citizen (he was a permanent U.S. Resident) and says he doesn’t want to jeopardize the $110 Billion arms deal he negotiated with the Saudis, [which hasn't been finalized yet] by implementing sanctions under available laws such as the Magnitski Act.
Following the standard of Scott Pruit, EPA’s new Administration Andrew Wheeler adds 5 new appointees to the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) who have all downplayed established science linking the negative impacts of air pollution to public health.
Turkey provides audio and video of Khashoggi being arrested, interogated tortured and murdered inside the Saudi consulate. Trump is still indecisive.
Senators from states racked by Hurricane damage completely ignore the IPCC’s dire new climate change report. “It’s totally unrealistic,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) told the Huffington Post. “They must have parachuted in from another planet.” “They might as well be calling on me to sprout wings and fly to Canada for the summer,” Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) told HuffPost. “How is that new? They’ve said the same thing before,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Amnesty International reports that the Trump administration is violating human rights rules and lying about abuses implemented by the border patrol against legal asylum seekers. The U.S. is prohibited from sending asylum seekers back to countries or territories where their lives or freedom would be threatened, either directly or indirectly, yet that is exactly the policy of the DHS. The report found that DHS implemented a de-facto policy of turning away of asylum-seekers along the entire U.S.-Mexico border, including at designated ports of entry, a policy that Nielsen herself admitted exists. She labeled it the “metering” of asylum claims.
The Trump administration waives 30 environmental protection laws — including the the Endangered Species Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Migratory Bird Conservation Act, and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act which means the potential environmental impacts won’t even be examined — in order to allow for construction of their Border wall across South Texas.
DHS suggests a change to the “public charge” rule that would deny visas and green cares to as many as 24 Million immigrants who may have used SNAP or TANF benefits.
Michael Cohen switches his party registration back from Republican to Democrat again after just 1 year.
Max Boot slams false rumors that Khashoggi was allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and also Trump for saying that an arms deal was more important than the murder of an American resident and Wapo journalist.
S.E. Cupp states that Kanye ‘A man who’s clearly not OK and a president ready to exploit it’.
MSNBC's Yamiche Alcindor is baffled by Kanye's rant: ‘He was trafficking in stereotypes’ — and it won’t help Trump one bit'.
Trump and Rand Paul again falsely claim that Eric Holder was “inciting violence.” “Trump blasts leftwing mob leader Eric Holder for his call to VIOLENCE against Republicans - Trump warns him, "he better be careful what he wishes for...."
Eric Holder responds to allegations that he was “uncivil” and called for violence when he said when “They go low, we kick them.” Ok, stop the fake outrage. I’m obviously not advocating violence. (In fact, when I was AG violent crime in the US was historically low.) I’m saying Republicans are undermining our democracy and Democrats need to be tough, proud and stand up for the values we believe in - the end.
Former NFL star and Trump supporter Hershel Walker calls for Don Lemon to be pulled off the air. “Went to bed appalled over @donlemon despicable behavior laughing at @TaraSetmayer and @Bakari_Sellers awful remarks about Kanye West’s visit with @realDonaldTrump!! Woke up wondering why @CNN doesn’t take all three off the air?#SHAMEFUL #CNN“
October 12th --
MSNBC panelist Kathleen Hall Jamieson, author of the new book, “Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President, argues there is plenty of damning evidence of Trump collusion: “Trump was signaling the Russians.”
Turkey releases pastor Andrew Brunson who had been accused of being part of Fatullah Gulen’s coup attempt in 2016, Trump sends a plane for him to come visit the White House.
Rawstory points out the the $4,000-9,000 wage increased promised by Trump and Congress following their tax cut bill simply hasn't materialized.
Melania is interviewed by ABC news and claims she never really even thought anything about the Stormy Daniels allegations, she supports her husbands immigration policy including his changes to chain migration then she says she believes that children should be able to sponsor Visa's for their parents [which she did for her own parents, and Trump would STOP], she also admits that her “I really don't care" jacket was trolling the media.
Trump’s attorneys are preparing to answer 15 questions about collusion provided by Meuller after months of trying to gain his testimony.
Don jr. retweets an accusation that murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a terrorist ally.
The Washington Post reports that the United States’ trade deficit with China has only widened since the implementation of tariffs and hit a record-high $34.1 billion, according to Chinese statistics released this week.
SNL’s Taren Killam reveals that Lorne Michaels forced cast to make Trump ‘likeable’ prior to election.
The View's Abby Huntsman says the WH exploited Kanye. ‘It was a spectacle for them’
Maggie Haberman tells CNN that the WH staff were ‘hugely embarrassed’ by Trump-Kanye visit.
Paul Krugman says the GOP is ‘flat-out lying’ about everything because they know their Fox News fans will believe anything.
Voting rights expert Michael Waldman blasts George SecState and GOP Governor Candidate Brian Kemp for suppressing black voters: Hasn’t ‘been this bad since Jim Crow’.
Trump claims Ivanka was be “incredible as the new UN Ambassador. Everyone wants Ivanka.”
Republican GOP challenger Tom Wolf threatens to ‘stomp’ Pennsylvania Dem incumbent governor’s face with ‘golf spikes’ as GOP whines about Dem ‘incivility’.
Kudlow tries to tout Trump’s economy on CNBC and gets smacked down: “Understand that Larry Kudlow in 2006 and 2007 was writing articles about ‘it’s the greatest story never told’, ‘the boom lives on’, ‘the recessionistas are wrong the pessimists are wrong’,” Brown said, mocking Kudlow’s record. “In December 2007, basically ‘there is no recession’. And of course, that was the first month the recession had started.”
Fox host Juan Williams gets accused of being ‘a token’ by white co-host and all hell breaks loose.
Khashoggi apparently set his Apple Watch to record his interrogation — so recordings of his murder may have been uploaded to iCloud.
Rachel Maddow lays out of Georgia SecState Brian Kemp ignored warnings about Russia hackers during 2016 claiming the help being offered by DHS was a “government takeover”, while later cybersecurity firms discovered that Georgia’s election systems was unprotected, and Meuller documented in their GRU indictment that George, Iowa and Florida were all targeted for Russian hacking, but no evidence remains because Kemp had the servers wiped. Now he’s blocking 53,000 registrations because of his "exact match" system, 70% of them are Black.
The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel against Sarah Huckabee-Sanders on Friday and requested the OCS investigate if Sanders violated the Hatch Act by posting the photo on her with Kanye in a MAGA hat government social media account.
According to the Washington Examiner, Andrew McCabe has been indefinitely delayed by the FBI as they “vet” it’s contents. He says he was “disappointed” by the indefinite delay; saying his President’s “attacks on me symbolize his destructive effect on the country as a whole.”
October 13th --
The freed pastor Andrew Brunson visits the WH and priases Trump while he puts down Obama.
Trump claims “we don't know what happened [to Khashoggi']” even though there's a recording of what happened from his Apple Watch. "Perhaps it looks like he's not around [around], he may have been killed.”
Trump praises Confederate General Robert E. Lee at Ohio rally, why exactly wouldn’t he idolize a traitor who fought against America?
30 members of the Alt-Right Proud Boys were caught on camera perpetrating a brutal beating outside of event at New York’s Metropolitan Republican Club.
Reichwing media claims a peaceful “Prayer meeting” that was attacked by Antifa. “A prayer rally in Portland, Oregon was ruined, when an angry leftist mob showed up, and started fights and burned the American flag. The domestic terror group Antifa, crashed the prayer rally, and chaos and violence instantly ensued.”
Salon argues that Trumpsters, Republicans and Conservatives are willing to put up with outright corruption, bigotry, lies and malfeasance because of “what-about-ism” where they believe the other side does it “just as much” — but they don’t.
“We’ve never seen anything like this” GOPers begin to panic as Dems spend ‘cash by the truckload’ on midterms.
The Texas Tent Internment Camp balloons to 10x it’s original size to hold 3,800 kidnapped migrant kids.
Turkey obtains Khashoggi’s Apple Watch recordings.
NGO’s warn that climate related disasters are increasing as temperatures rise.
NYTimes reports that Jared Kusher paid little or no taxes between 2009-2016 despite being worth approximately $324 Million by using depreciation to claims his properties are worth far less than they actually are. [Which is the same tactic used by Trump’s family to avoid paying $450 Million in inheritance taxaes.]
Economist argue that Trump’s attempt to regionalize trade rather than globalize it is likely to create inflationary affects that had been avoided over the last few decades and wipe away any trade economic and deficit gains he might temporarily achieve.
Federal prosecutor Mimi Rocah says Trump’s written answers to Mueller are essentially worthless and a waste of time. “I have never done a written interview, I don’t know any prosecutor who has or would ever want to,” Rocah noted. “I think this just is a compromise, I think if he really needed the interview — the information from Trump on the collusion piece — he would … make him come in for an interview by subpoena and fight over a subpoena if he had to.”
WaPo reports that the WH is mulling over yet another border family separation plan to slow immigration.
The Daily Caller reports that Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to hand over documents related to former FBI general counsel James Baker meeting during the 2016 campaign with Michael Sussmann, a partner at Perkins Coie. that represented the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign and allegedly provided Baker with documents related to the Russia hack on the DNC, but Republicans have decided the meeting is “suspicious”, even though they are usually whining that the DNC didn't provide enough data about the hack to the FBI or hand over their email servers.
House Judiciary chair Rep. Goodlatte threatens to subpoena Rod Rosenstein. “[Rosenstein] has not agreed to come for a transcribed interview on the record. He needs to agree to do that. If he does not agree to do that very soon, I will issue a subpoena for him to appear,
The Blaze reports that Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a letter Friday that revealed Hillary Clinton had her security clearance revoked along with 5 of her staffers – but also that she had requested the change herself, rather than have it punitively yanked in retaliation as was John Brennan’s clearance.
October 14th —
Former Obama administration State Department senior advisor Nayyera Haq says that private economic deals will stall any effort to seek justice for Khashoggi because of the ‘crown princes’ Kushner and bin Salman covering it up:
Trump vows on 60 Minutes that ‘severe punishment’ for Saudi Arabia if Khashoggi was killed. [He was, but you won’t do jack, pal.] Then he says that America would be ‘punishing’ itself if it halts Saudi arms sales. [See? Nothing.]
Chicago Tribune smashes Sessions for his late after the half move to scuttle the police consent decree that has been revolutionizing the relationship between cops and the black community.
WaPo reports that Kushner is pleading with the Saudis to ‘be transparent’ about Khashoggi. [Yeah, right, fat chance.]
Saudi Arabia warns that it will retaliate against any economic sanctions over Jamal Khashoggi.
GOP yanks funding for ‘Putin’s favorite congressman’ Rohrabacher as his campaign collapses.
Top Iowa paper slams Rep. Steve King for consorting with ‘fascists and neo-Nazis’ and endorses his opponent.
Washington Lawyer Pat Cipillone is tapped to replace WH Counsel Don McGhan according to Axios and the Wapo.
Fox and Friends whines about the SNL Skit over Kanye in the Oval Office. “They use comedy to push an agenda,” Hegseth complained after reviewing the SNL clip. “If you support this president you are either crazy or you’re racist. Those are the two boxes! So, Kanye can’t be racist, then he’s got to be crazy.” [He himself said he had mental issues and it was pretty obvious he was correct. Also there’s a third option: being a selfish deluded myopic empathy-challenged asshole.]
Trump campaign is offering to sell copies of it’s database of supporters’ contact info to any business ‘not hostile to the president’.
Portland Rightwing ‘Law and Order’ march erupts into ‘huge bloody brawl’.
Trump surrogate and former Tea Party leader Amy Kremer says “It’s a scary time” and GOP is in danger because witches put a ‘hex’ on Brett Kavanaugh. She also claims Trump never threatened journalists and entire MSNBC panel overwhelms her with examples from his retweeting violent memes of CNN staff being body slammed, run over by a train and murdered, to directly threatening Katy Tur and causing her to need security. There’s also the time CNN hosts and their families home address and private phone numbers were doxed and they began receiving death threats and protests outside their homes from Trump fans.
Trump goes golfing for the 210th day while Hurricane Michael victims pick up the pieces.
Congressswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) demands the DOJ investigate Wilbur Ross for perjury over census lies. “He lied to my face.”
Kevin McCarthy’s brother-in-law scammed millions from a government contract based on false claim of Native American ancestry.
Trump’s 60 Minutes appearance is a steaming hot mess.
He claims “I’m not a baby.” when Leslie Stahl brings up the fact that Putin has murdered poliical opponents and journalists. He ignores that Russia interfered with the election by claming that China “did it too.” [??!!]
He claims “rogue killers” could be responsible for Khashoggi since he asked the Saudi King and he denied it. [But did he ask Crown Prince MBS too?]
He claims he has “no intention” of shutting down the Mueller probe. [As long as they don’t file charges against you, right?]
He claims his child seperation policy is the “same as Obama's” when it fucking isn’t, Obama didn’t forcibly separate anyone, illegally deny valid asylum claims, trick people into signing deporation forms, cancel Temporary Protective Status for the parents of 163,000 U.S. citizen children, deport people for unpaid parking tickets or build internment tent camps for children in the middle of the Texas desert.
He claims that he “wants to heal” after Kavanaugh and Democrats don’t. [The open wound — again — is now sitting on the SCOTUS for the next 30 years, so that not likely to heal.]
He claims he didn't make fun of Dr. Ford and only called into question what she didn’t remember. [Which is a fucking lie, he’s was doing a stand-up routine at her expense.] “I think she was treated with great respect” he claimed. Stahl asked “But do you think you treated her with respect?” “Oh, yes I do." [He’s Non compos mentus.] “It doesn’t matter, we won.” [It ain’t over.]
October 15th —