Donald Trump has been tweeting almost continually since 2 AM. In the process, he’s made it absolutely, positively clear that he intends to take not one iota of responsibility for encouraging violence and divisiveness, and he’s moved into full-blown conspiracy theory land, by not only embracing the idea that the pipe bombs being mailed around the country are “fake” but suggesting that the intent of the bombs delivered to the Democratic critics that he has fingered is meant to hurt Republicans.
But Trump’s initial PJ-clad wrangle with conspiracy theories on Friday was over the most critical topic imaginable: Why has his number of Twitter followers stopped growing?
The flatlining of Trump’s Twitter account is clearly a top national concern as midtown Manhattan is shut down to transport a 12th explosive device aimed at someone Trump has fingered as a critic. But Trump momentarily moved beyond his obsession with things that have gone limp to join in the alt-Reich CT circulating around the bombs that are being delivered across the nation.
Donald Trump is here not only presenting the bombs as “bombs,” joining in the Fox News/AM radio/Breitbart theme that these devices shouldn’t really be treated as threats, despite the way they are filled with explosive material and shrapnel. Trump also goes full bore into the idea that the target of these devices … is the exact opposite of the target of these devices.
The FBI and ATF are insisting that these are genuine explosive devices … but then, those guys are all part of the “deep state.” Fox knows, and Trump knows, that the only real violence is the violence against Trump’s star on Hollywood Boulevard. These bombs, or as Trump says “bombs,” are clearly a plot designed to slow Republican momentum. A thing which totally exists, despite early voting analysis that shows high turnout by Democrats.
And what’s a good conspiracy theory that doesn’t include an attack on the press? The media is talking about “’bomb’ stuff” and not talking about politics. That’s “very unfortunate.”
Notice what’s not unfortunate? Bombs. Trump expresses no concern about actual bombs, or actual targets of actual bombs. Instead his concern is reserved for the fact that people are talking about bombs rather than giving his rallies live wall to wall coverage.