Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), the Black Republican in the Senate, has declared his opposition to the nomination of Thomas Farr to be a district court judge in North Carolina. Along with Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), that means there are enough No votes to end this nomination.
"I am ready and willing to support strong candidates for our judicial vacancies that do not have lingering concerns about issues that could affect their decision-making process as a federal judge," Scott said in his statement. "This week, a Department of Justice memo written under President George H.W. Bush was released that shed new light on Mr. Farr's activities. This, in turn, created more concerns. Weighing these important factors, this afternoon I concluded that I could not support Mr. Farr's nomination."
Farr's direct history of voter suppression and of ties to white supremacists made his nomination pretty much one of the worst of Trump's picks. That his nomination advanced was little more than one more massive "fuck you" from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley to former President Barack Obama. This is the long-standing vacancy in the federal judiciary, a seat to which Obama had nominated two black women during his time in office, nominations which were blocked by Republicans.
Flake is opposing the nominee on the merits as well as in fulfillment of his commitment to not vote for any Trump nominee until his legislation protecting the special counsel is given a floor vote.