In Virginia, we have many reasons to be grateful. I’m grateful that with the help of lots of friends, we came through the mid-terms with victories to celebrate. Three women, Luria, Spanberger, and Wexton, flipped seats in Congress. We re-elected Tim Kaine as our U.S. Senator sending a clear message rejecting the divisive tactics of his opponent. We had support from so many friends and now we have more work to do. The victory of Jennifer Wexton in CD 10 means we face an expedited special election to fill her State Senate seat. A victory in that special election puts us in position to take control of the Virginia State Senate and address decades of imbalance that has impacted our State.
That’s why I’m supporting Jennifer Bosko for State Senate. My friend, steadfast democracy warrior, and current Virginia Delegate, is leading the way to win in her critical district. She will help us maintain our margin and keep us ready to flip the Virginia State Senate in November, 2019. This election holds the key to ending gerrymandering, expanding health care, protecting us from gun violence, the passage of the ERA and so much more. Democracy is at the heart of who we are. Jennifer understands our progressive values.
It wasn’t so long ago that we celebrated my special election to the Fairfax County School Board. We knew that all politics is local and friends from near and far came to the rescue to secure that win. Jennifer was there too. She called me after my first election in 2015 to tell me to keep fighting. She understood the challenge before our community and nation. She is a battle-tested candidate and experienced legislator.
Friends, we can celebrate what we have accomplished and can achieve. Back in 2017, you supported me in a little-known school board race and propelled me into an election win that was a part of the blue wave. Our efforts continued to elect 15 Virginia delegates in November 2017. We haven’t slowed down. Now we have the chance to support Jennifer Boysko as she carries on to help us flip the Virginia Senate. I’ll be there to help elect Jennifer Boysko. If you would like more information about Jennifer, here’s the link to her website.
Karen Keys-Gamarra is currently serving as an At-Large School Board Member in Fairfax County, VA. She was elected in August 2017 in a special election. Karen can be reached at