The G20 summits are as much about pomp, pageantry and showmanship as about serious International policy discussions. How people are greeted, welcomed, touched, hugged, wined, dined and the holding of hands reveals a lot about relationships between leaders and countries.
We present here a few videos of how leaders were welcomed at the airport and subsequent meetings with the Argentinian president. Judge for yourself how things are going -
Chinese premier Xi — red carpet, warm welcome, pomp and pageantry -
Trudeau — red carpet, friendly welcome, pictures, smiles -
India PM — red carpet, friendly greetings, followed by raucous welcome at hotel by Indian diaspora -
trump — no red carpet, no smiles, quick getaway -
Putin — red carpet, quick getaway —
Macron and wife greeted by the Argentine President. Nice!
trump greeted by the Argentine President this morning. Dry, narcissistic and ugly.
The Indian PM was making friends and influencing people. And having a ball -
And there was this -
Looks like a lot of fun, unless you are trump.