Pissed me off. She cannot even lose with class.
I voted for her.
She lost for many reasons, but it was not fault of the Democratic Party. In fact, it was this attitude that may have defeated her. She always was a half-Republican, starting when she primaried a sitting Democratic governor in 2004 from the right because he fought crazy Republican proposals from the legislature. She defeated Governor Holden, only to lose to Baby Blunt in the general election.
McCaskill Blames Democrats for Her Defeat
November 30, 2018 at 11:20 am EST By Taegan Goddard 285 Comments
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) “blamed her defeat not on her own campaign, but on the Democratic Party for abandoning its moderate constituents,” Roll Call reports.
Said McCaskill: “This demand for purity, this looking down your nose at people who want to compromise, is a recipe for disaster for the Democrats. Will we ever get to a majority in the Senate again, much less to 60, if we do not have some moderates in our party?”
Teagan Goodard
Kander almost won in 2016 (when Trump won by 19%). Perhaps she should have been more of a Democrat rather than attacking, and I quote, crazy Democrats:
Facing a tough reelection battle, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) is distancing herself from liberal members of her party, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) — even as Warren’s leadership PAC donated to the Missouri Democrat’s campaign this cycle.
The back-and-forth comes as McCaskill has taken aim at “crazy Democrats” in the final stage of her campaign against Missouri’s Republican attorney general, Josh Hawley. Polls show a close race.
“Claire’s not one of those crazy Democrats. She works right in the middle and finds compromise,” a male voice says in one of McCaskill’s recent radio ads.
Reminds me of the losers in 2014 who distanced themselves from Obama.
Her way does not work.
Give us a real Democrat instead.
Update I: And to clarify, a “real Democrat” does not need to be aligned with Bernie Sanders or the left progressives. Many moderates also are “real Democrats.” For example, Senator Tester is not in the left wing of the party, but he does not attack other Dems or undermine the brand. He’s also a “real Democrat.”