Do you know how far Micheal Cohen got with the Trump Moscow Deal, he was working on?
If not, take a few minutes, and follow some of the overlooked recent Mueller bread-crumbs.
Do these exchanges, sound like Putin really wanted a Trump Tower in Moscow? Or did the master of spy-craft have another serious objective in mind? Have some cheese while you’re plotting, Donald.
Mueller reports the disturbing facts, about which we must ultimately decide ...
A small guide to a really big deal.
by Alex Ward, Vox.com — Nov 30, 2018
Here’s what Cohen says now:
- Discussions about the Trump Tower Moscow project went on at least until June 2016 — not January of that year as Cohen previously stated. He also admitted to speaking with Trump about the project more than three times.
- Cohen considered traveling to Russia and taking Trump with him. Cohen also asked a senior campaign official about the possibility for Trump to go to Russia.
- Russian officials did respond to Cohen’s inquiries about the Moscow project. Around January 14, 2016, Cohen emailed the office Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s press secretary and trusted adviser, seeking help with the tower deal. About six days later, a Peskov assistant and Cohen had a 20-minute call.
This is bad for Trump. [...]
Clicking the Link labeled Cohen brought me to a Mueller Document about Cohen’s direct dealings with Russian Officials in direct contact with Putin himself. Here are some of those now disclosed details (which were previously withheld from Congress):
Important points:
a) Cohen talked with Individual 1 several times about this Moscow Project.
b) There were plans to have Individual 1 to travel to Russia to seal the deal, and the Campaign was aware of this.
Important points:
c) Cohen discussed the Moscow Project with (“Official 1”) the Press Secretary for Putin.
d) Cohen sought to escalate these discussions to a “higher-level”, meetings with translators.
Important points:
e) Cohen had a long phone call with Russian “Official 1’s” personal assistant.
f) The following day, Putin called “Individual 2” [Felix Sater] about pushing the negotiations forward.
Note: “Individual 2” was described (on pg 3) as “US citizen third-party intermediary” who was in constant email contact with Cohen, concerning Cohen’s proposed trips to Moscow. This description fits Felix Sater from other documents and reports.
The linked document, submitted to the SDNY, was signed by “Enforcer One” … (ah just kidding).
Regarding Cohen’s previous false statements about the Trump Tower Project in Moscow, to the Senate and House Intel Committees, Cohen gave these 2 reasons for the prior Cover-up:
1) Minimize the linkage between “Individual 1” and this Moscow Project.
2) Give the false impression the Project ended before the Primaries, so no need to investigate here.
If this was all above-board, then why the active efforts to “cover it up” — during and after the fact?
It is obvious that if all this had been known during the Election, then Team Trump would have suffered from their active wheeling-and-dealing with Putin’s staff.
IOW, The “Putin’s Puppet” nickname would have stuck. And very few people want to vote for a Puppet.
Given all the other evidence slowly coming out about this Moscow project, it’s no wonder they tried to keep in under wraps, like Cohen explained.
1) Rudy Giuliani said the active Trump negotiations on this Moscow project continued into Nov of 2016.
2) Trump has admitted, in a moment of delirium, that this was his back-up plan in case he lost the Election.
3) BuzzFeed has LEO sources who say there was a $50 Million dollar Putin Bribe to seal the deal.
4) A signed copy of the Letter of Intent has turned up from Oct 28 2015, where Trump would charge millions, and get a cut of future proceeds, all for the honor of having the “Trump Branding” on the Moscow Tower.
And it’s no wonder Putin was so hesitant to get this Deal done, despite stringing Cohen and Sater along through much of 2015. The tip-off should have been the hundreds of millions in financing offered for the Trump Tower Moscow Project, WAS from the state-run Russian Bank VTB — when and if its Sanctions could be lifted.
THAT was the Russian Bait — that Team Putin dangled. And from all appearances Team Trump fell for it. Proverbially, hook, line, and sinker.
Besides it is doubtful Putin wanted the “Trump Name” strewn across his Moscow skyline, especially if it’s flashing Neon ghost, was piercing through your new penthouse skylight windows. Not unless they were getting something very BIG in return.
Putin was not hesitant however to reel the BIG Trump Fish in, playing on his vanity and ego. Enticing him with other offers and promises brand new political favors. Enticements that Don the Con was very hard-pressed to refuse.
The rest is America’s altered History — Trump-Putin-style (Surrender Summits and abrupt Retreats, anyone?)
But Putin’s “trapped fish” is still flopping around, even after being ushered into office. Trying like hell to somehow get unhooked, despite all odds, and in-spite of all his self-incriminating tweets ...
President Admits Trump Tower Meeting Was Meant to Get Dirt on Clinton
by Michael D. Shear and Michael S. Schmidt, NYTimes — Aug. 5, 2018
President Trump said on Sunday that a Trump Tower meeting between top campaign aides and a Kremlin-connected lawyer was designed to “get information on an opponent” — the starkest acknowledgment yet that a statement he dictated last year about the encounter was misleading.
Mr. Trump made the comment in a tweet on Sunday morning that was intended to be a defense of the June 2016 meeting and the role his son Donald Trump Jr. played in hosting it. The president claimed that it was “totally legal” and of the sort “done all the time in politics.”
Attention “Enforcer One,” er ah, Robert Mueller: “Individual One” just admitted that the Trump Tower meeting was for the purpose of getting Oppo-research from the Kremlin. WOW!
What more do you need? Maybe a Signed Letter of Intent? How about a Cohen Tape with Donald Trump himself suggesting the “Putin Penthouse” sweetener, to seal the Deal?
Book-em Danno! Roberto! Your country is once again depending on you.
— — —
One other thing. Felix Sater has infamously said this, once he knew the Investigators were hot on his trail:
And according to Wood’s sources, Sater may have already flipped and given prosecutors the evidence they need to make a case against Trump.
For several weeks there have been rumours that Sater is ready to rat again, agreeing to help Mueller. ‘He has told family and friends he knows he and POTUS are going to prison,’ someone talking to Mueller’s investigators informed me.
Sater hinted in an interview earlier this month that he may be cooperating with both Mueller’s investigation and congressional probes of Trump.
Let’s hope that they get to share a cell. One with a tiny window-view of a Trump Tower sign on the skyline.