The time has long since passed for Republicans to have a moment of decency that lasts long enough to pass sensible gun legislation. It is more than obvious that Republicans are not really pro-life, not representing the American people, not really representing Republican voters, but always seem to find an excuse (list and discussion) to represent the interests of the NRA. Even the blind can see that truckloads of money from the NRA is buying loyalty taxpayers simply can’t afford. And many of those trucks seem to have come straight from Russian money launderers.
Speaking of the blindly partisan, even Megyn Kelly can see how wrong Republicans are for continually blocking reform. Of course, she only told a half-truth, calling politicians weak but skipping the part about Republicans being the ones constantly blocking reform. Survivors of the Parkland shooting were less generous to Republican politicians. pResident tRump, for example, had his a$$ handed to him on his favorite playground (twitter). Ouch! Elsewhere, Republican politicians in general and Marco Rubio, specificallly, took some lumps. (link)
Such was the energy, too, that carried Hogg through the news day, from ABC’s “Good Morning America” to MSNBC and onward. On CNN, he was asked, “Do you have a message for the lawmakers? Do you have a message for Congress? For the President?” He said, “My message to lawmakers in Congress is, Please, take action. Ideas are great. Ideas are wonderful.” The reference to ideas was, in rhetorical terms, a generous concession, considering that the majority party has adopted idealessness as its guiding gun-control policy, as when helplessly lamenting the futility of gun laws, in the style of Florida’s Senator Marco Rubio.
The “Hogg” referenced above is David Hogg (video here), a telegenic High School senior who may have a future in politics, unless of course he wants to do something meaningful with his life. Here are Hogg’s words about what is most important here:
“My message to lawmakers in Congress is, Please, take action. Ideas are great. Ideas are wonderful. But what’s more important is actual action, and pertinent action, that results in saving thousands of children’s lives. Please, take action.”