It may seem difficult to top calls for arming teachers, fitting schools with metal detectors, and turning places of learning into the “most hardened targets” in the nation. But Trump … Trump finds a way.
From today’s White House press pool notes:
Trump: "We need offensive as well as defensive... If we don't have offensive measures within these schools, you're just kidding yourselves folks."
Offensive measure? As in … schools need to attack the community?
"Unless you're going to have offensive capability you're wasting your time."
But that doesn’t make any sense.
"To get this done we do need defense but we also need offensive capability."
That’s it. Forget arming the teachers. It’s time to mount cannons at the corners of the gym. Let those schools fire one across the bow of the local Orange Julius. See how they like it!
No, wait. Trump is also still calling for arming the teachers. Lots, and lots, and lots of teachers.
“You can’t hire enough security guards … Your need 100, 150 security guards … But you can have concealed on the teachers.”
So … 100, 150 armed teachers carrying concealed weapons in in school? Forget the cannons. What Trump is calling for is an army.
There is one group that does scare Trump so much that his very brave bravery just isn’t brave enough.
When asked if he's ready to take on the NRA on age limits: "I don't think I'll be going up against them. ... They're good people." …
POTUS: "I'm the biggest believer in the second amendment" and says he spoke to the NRA.
"The NRA is ready to do things. People like to blame them."
So, after announcing that he would conduct a listening tour of parents, students, local officials, law enforcement, and others, Trump has determined that the only person he has to listen to is the NRA.
But there is one gun-related thing that Trump wants to get rid of.
Trump: "Active shooter drills is a very negative thing.... I don't like it. I'd much rather have a hardened school... I think it's crazy. I think it's very hard on children."
Sure. And why have active shooter drills if you’re already trapped in a hardened facility surrounded by armed people. Because, really, in any situation, just what direction will bullets not be flying?
Trump also suggested that “certain highly adept” teachers willing to carry a weapon might get a bonus. Because everyone knows that what motivates the people teaching America’s children is their dive for making money.
Other than determining that the best thing to do is change schools from a murder scene to a war zone, Trump did finger one big problem. The most important problem. Because, as everyone knows, Americans are being murdered by … video games.
"We have to look at the internet because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds and their minds are being formed, and we have to do something about maybe what they're seeing and how they're seeing it. And also video games. I'm hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts. And you go one further step and that's the movies. ... maybe they have to put a rating system for that."
It’s true. In Canada and the UK and Australia things like the Parkland shooting just don’t happen, because they don’t have … the internet.
If anyone had even a momentary thought that Trump was going to do something sensible: Shame on you.