Yesterday a number of companies began severing ties with the National Rifle Association, America’s powerful gun lobby. It started off with a Twitter announcement in response to complaints to First National Bank of Omaha:
As the #BoycottNRA hashtag began to take off, more companies decided being associated with the gun lobby was not in their best interest. Shortly after First National Bank of Omaha’s announcement, car rental company Enterprise (which also owns Alamo and National) announced they would no longer be offering discounts to NRA members.
Two large companies are a great start, but there is room to grow. The Center for American Progress has a list of companies that offer NRA members a discount, a key benefit for NRA members. If you are a customer who uses these companies regularly, reach out to them and let them know you’ll be moving to alternative companies as long as they partner with the NRA.
Sign the petition to corporate sponsors: Divest from the NRA
Friday, Feb 23, 2018 · 5:28:05 PM +00:00 · Jen Hayden
Chubb insurance publicly announced their decision to pull away after privately telling the NRA they were severing ties months ago. From Reuters:
Insurer Chubb Ltd on Friday said that it will stop underwriting a National Rifle Association-branded insurance policy for gun owners.
Chubb gave notice three months ago of its plan to stop participating in the NRA insurance program, known as “NRA Carry Guard,” a Chubb spokesman said.