This past week, NRA’s spokesmodel Dana Loesch put out a threatening video ad that was pretty much against anyone who wasn’t supportive of the National Rifle Association—and Trumpism. In response, Parkland student Sara Chadwick created a word-for-word parody of Loesh’s ad. Chadwick is one of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 students and staff dead—gunned down and murdered by a student with an AR-15 automatic weapon of war.
Here is the video that was posted on BRUT.‘s facebook page.
Below is the video transcription:
Dana Loesch: We’ve had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the arrogance, the hatred, the pettiness, the fake news...
Sarah Chadwick: We’ve had enough of the lies, the sanctimony, the ignorance, the hatred, the pettiness, the NRA...
#NeverAgain vs The NRA
NRA: We are done with your agenda to undermine voters will and individual liberty in America...
Student: We are done with your agenda to undermine the safety of our nation’s youth and the individual voices of the American people...
NRA: So to every lying member of the media, to every Hollywood phony...
Student: So to every government official unwilling to take action and make change, to everyone with an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association…
NRA: To the role model athletes who use their free speech to alter and undermine what our flag represents…
Student: To the politicians who would rather watch American youth die than get assault rifles off the shelves...
NRA: To the late night hosts who think their opinions are the only opinions that matter…
Student: To the political lobbyists who believer their stances should be the only ones supported by legislation…
NRA: To those who bring bias and propaganda to CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times...
Student: To those who call high school students “paid crisis actors” and refuse to listen…
NRA: Your time is running out
Student: Your time is running out
Student and NRA: The clock starts now
To support the students and young people around the country with their March For Our Lives campaign, visit the most prominent GoFundMe page initiated by Parkland student survivor/activist Cameron Kaskey. Donations have currently surpassed $3 Million. Here is the link:
To find out where the March For Our Lives events will take place in your state, click on this link:
Thanks to these strong, courageous and determined students. Thanks to them, the future of America looks brighter.