I thought this was amusing, especially given it’s source.
From Redstate:
Cohen earned his law degree in 1991 from Thomas M. Cooley Law School, which later became affiliated with Western Michigan University. To say that Cooley is bottom-tier doesn’t begin to describe the problems; Cooley is the sub-basement of the bottom-tier, and then digging furiously through the floor deep into the substrata below.
The article is a pretty thorough excoriation of the school and Cohen. The comments are a mix of “smh” and “he’s being persecuted!” (with a heavy undercurrent of anti-intellectualism).
This post (from a blog I am unfamiliar with but seems solid) gives a run down of why the school is a grift-y mess that preys on its students. Perhaps not QUITE as slimy as Trump University, but then, Trump is good at that kind of thing.