Who was the last honorable Republican president? Was it Bush Sr? Eisenhower?
We are well aware that the current occupant of the White House regularly partakes in receiving emoluments, attacking federal agencies, denigrating opponents, disparaging allies, coddling dictators, and colluding with Russia. Donald Trump also has personal issues that are widely considered immoral or unethical, such as laundering money for criminals, as well as, infidelity to wives and business contracts alike.
But, is Trump an aberration or a symptom of increasing malignancy?
How far back do we have to go to find a Republican president who fulfilled his duties with honor? Nixon set the precedent for criminal behavior in the modern Republican party with the break in and theft of DNC materials. The criminal cover-up of those crimes led to his resignation, thanks to pressure from Republicans with a modicum of shame and honor. Reagan followed up a half decade later by negotiating for Iran to keep our hostages until he became president. Then, during his term, he either ignored or approved the illegal selling of arms to Iran and using the proceeds to illegally fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Now, Reagan is practically considered a saint, while members of his administration who carried out the crimes are revered among Republicans. George HW Bush might have been the most honorable of the modern lot, but he was caught up in Iran-Contra too, and later invaded Panama on dubious pretenses before starting the decades long military intervention in Iraq. George W Bush, under false pretenses, eventually invaded Iraq, which killed and hurt millions of people, and which has been a significant contributor to instability in the region to this day. Let’s also not forget the previously unacceptable torture that Bush Jr approved.
Perhaps we have to go back to Eisenhower to find honor in a Republican president. Or, maybe George HW Bush was the only honorable modern Republican president. At best, he was forced to bloody his hands as all presidents must do in this imperfect world. Still, Iran-Contra, Panama and Iraq hang over him. Yet, that is not what kept him from a second term. That happened because he committed a sin that was unforgiveable to proponents of supply-side economics; he broke a promise of no new taxes.
This hints at why modern Republicans cannot govern with honor. Their philosophy prevents it.
Modern Republicans govern in compliance with Reagan’s famous quote.
The nine most terrifying words in the English Language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
They have demonized the government. They can’t admit that government can be helpful and even necessary. So, they discredit and destroy government whenever it suits their purposes.
This anti-government fervor dovetails with adoration of the market. Private enterprise and markets are the solution to all of our economic needs. Taxes are believed to distribute from the efficient market to the inefficient government. Wealth is idolized. Poverty is considered a choice. Increasing inequality is ignored.
All of which complements the racism Republicans foster. Government destroying welfare queens, who happen to be black or brown, are created whole cloth to vilify all social programs and convince racists that cutting their own benefits is the best way to prevent the demise of the republic.
Not that they will publicly admit to any such duplicity, racist or otherwise. They don’t have to. They can lie about their true intents. The ends justify the means. They can withhold forthright discussions to private settings.
Fundamentalist Christians are particularly prone to concealing their true intentions. They fervently believe that they must do god’s will, which they believe is opposed at every turn by evil beings, including nonbelieving humans. Therefore, in order to assist in reestablishing god’s dominion over earth, they are free to use the weapons of deception and cheating in the ongoing spiritual war. In fact, they are not entirely good Christian soldiers if they fail to incorporate these tools into their arsenal.
When truth is optional, facts may be the enemy. Only facts that confirm their worldview are acceptable. Therefore, rational and critical thinking are discouraged. Education is not necessary in their “real world”, so, it is thusly scorned.
With a dearth of facts and reality supporting their stances, the entire Republican movement has shifted to a cult of mythology and personality. Democrats and liberals are ugly creatures inhabiting dimly lit television commercials. Republicans are heroes simply for opposing heinous Democrats. Above all is the mythology that shall not be questioned. Republicans are for law and order. They support our troops. They are fiscally responsible. They are better for the economy. Facts be damned.
One by one, facts and reality disprove the Republican myths. But, they are too invested to heed the facts. They risk annihilation and eternal damnation should they change course. They must maintain control and not give in to alternative explanations. Ostensibly dishonorable acts are simply misinterpreted as such by loathsome nonbelievers and liberals, according to Republican mythology.
They have to act as they do. To them, it’s a holy war. They believe that it’s an us or them world. If blacks or immigrants gain, white people must lose. Never mind the stagnant wages and growing inequality. We must give to the rich. Supply-side is king, and the rich will save us. It’s part of the mythology.
But, it’s wrong, or, at best, incomplete. Republicans will not regain their honor until they acknowledge and act on this.
It doesn’t have to be a zero sum game. Everybody can be provided support and opportunity. We don’t have to blame anybody. There can still be rich people, and there is enough to go around to take care of each person. We just have to spread the riches more equitably. To do so, Republicans will have to reassess some of their core tenets. To this end, here are some relevant points.
Government can work for people
Government does good things
Democrats have good ideas and policies
Liberals are worthy of respect
Supply side economics has failed for most people
What’s best for the country is not always best for the wealthy
Money should not be more influential than people
If they can’t change their views, then the dishonorable actions will continue.
Both sides are not equally culpable in this. Democrats make mistakes, but are willing to admit mistakes and adapt to changing conditions. The few tenets that Democrats insist on include the notion that human rights are universal and that all people deserve respect. Even in opposition, Democrats have engaged Republicans in respectful debate. A notable example of this is the health care insurance debate in which Democrats engaged in exhaustive discussions and offered multiple compromises when they controlled the debate, which Republicans unjustly called ramming down their throat, while Republicans held far fewer hearings and only included Democrats to the minimum extent required by existing legislative standards when Republicans controlled the debate.
When warranted, Democrats have demonstrated time and again a willingness to admit mistakes and to adapt. Republicans lie and cheat to avoid changing course, and, therefore, act with dishonor. It sullies not just their name. It threatens the survival of our constitutional republic, as well as, with climate change accelerating, everything up to and including modern civilization.
Until and unless they are able to step away from the corner they have backed into, Republicans will continue to push towards a dark precipice. If we cross that threshold, it will not be good for any of us. The winners will have to rebuild from the ruins, with no guarantee that they can even get back to where we are now. Republicans can adhere to their myths and personalities, or they can act with honor and give all of humanity a chance to advance.