So what do you do if you’re a noxious hatemonger whose whole shtick relies on the supposed primacy of European culture, and then Europe kicks you the fuck out!?
Well, Richard Spencer is finding that out right about now. Because, you know, Europe just kicked him the fuck out.
Imagine an entire continent regurgitating you into the loo. Especially your second-favorite one! One down, five to go. (We can let him resettle in Antarctica. We’re not monsters.)
From ThinkProgress:
This week, in a development first flagged by HOPE not hate, a British anti-racism organization, [Richard] Spencer learned that he would be unable to travel to Sweden to take part in a conference for young white supremacists. As Spencer’s pal Christoffer Dulny, another white supremacist member of the so-called “alt-right” movement, wrote on Twitter, Spencer was slated to be a “secret guest” at the conference, but will be a no-show instead, having been turned away at a “European airport and denied further travel.”
Per Swedish media, Spencer was prevented from traveling during a layover in Poland. Polish authorities told Spencer that he was barred from traveling in the country, and that “he has to return to the United States,” according to Sweden’s Fria Tider outlet.
It’s unclear if Spencer has been barred from all European countries or just Poland. However, a November report noted that Spencer had been barred from traveling to or through the 26 European countries that comprise the Schengen Area, an organization of nations that have effectively provided for the free movement of tourists and citizens. Both Poland and Sweden are members of the Schengen Area.
In the wake of last November’s report, Spencer whined that he was being “treated like a criminal by the Polish government.” He has yet to comment on Poland’s move this week, but his expulsion follows a similar development in 2014, in which Hungary arrested and deported Spencer.
The announcement also follows the U.K.’s decision to bar a number of other white supremacists and far-right conspiracy theorists earlier this year ...
Hopefully they’re sending him off with his own custom-created Oompa Loompa song.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of people in this country who will welcome him back with open arm salutes. Heck, some of them are running for Congress.
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