In these days of turmoil and outrage, it’s important do take some time to do a little self-care. Fortunately, our furry companions recognize this need and stand ready to their own ways.
- You know how this works, but as always, a gentle reminder:
- Pooties are cats; Woozles are dogs. Goggies are dogs, too, and moggies are cats. Birds...are birds! Peeps are people. PWB Peeps are Pooties, Woozle, Birds People.
- No trolling the diary.
- If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul.
- Share any and all pootie/woozle photos or issues that you would like .
- If you have health/behavior issues with your pootie or woozle, feel free to bring it to the community. We just may have someone whose experience can help.
- Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
- There are some pics we never post: snakes, spiders, creepy crawlies, any and all photos that depict or encourage human cruelty toward animals. These are considered “out of bounds” and will not be tolerated.
- There is no such thing as stealing a photo around here, but if you would like a pic from the comment threads, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks!
It should not need to be said, but ANY/ALL photos that imply or encourage human violence against an animal will be considered verboten! Whether it is “comedic” or no
By dealing with providing their own meals:
Making helpful suggestions:
making music to soothe your troubled soul...
And helpfully picking up dropped items.
They may even provide you with breakfast...and clean the table while they’re at it;
keep the place safe from intruders;
help with your exercise routines ...
clean up after the kids or grandkids;
and even help out with personal grooming.
They also are very good at opening your mail;
graciously help with household chores like...bed making;
Make your grocery lists;
help clean out hard to reach corners;
and entertain you with board games.
But in the end...they help us all smile, find our calm centers and experience happiness.