The title of this diary, You Want Nancy Pelosi Out? Find Somebody Better, is the title of an article by Charles P. Pierce in today’s issue of Esquire magazine. I believe Pierce’s point is well-taken. The reason why Pelosi is so frequently maligned by Republicans is because she is so successful. Pierce says, “She is one of the Democrats’ most formidable fundraisers and (perhaps) the greatest Democratic legislative leader since Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson.”
And, he goes on to say that if the Democrats win the midterm election, there should be parameters for talking about replacing her:
1. “This is not an excuse to re-litigate the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. Get over yourselves.”
2 “We need new blood” isn’t a good reason. Pierce says that “Democrats are tying themselves in knots about her age while Republicans are willing to leave the Senate Judiciary Committee in the hands of Chuck Grassley, who is 236 years old.”
3. “We have to have a good-faith stipulation of Pelosi’s not inconsiderable accomplishments.”
And, this is the guts of Pierce’s argument. He notes that not one single member of the House voted for any of the schemes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and that required enormous skill.
Piece goes on to say that Pelose has done a terrific job “managing the limited power of a legislative minority.” And, a big part of what all Democrats—both incumbents and non-incumbants--are running on is the ACA, which passed, not in a small part because Pelosi “held her caucus unanimous in its support.”
He points out that a lot of criticism against Pelosi is both ageist and sexist, which I strongly believe. And, then says that “she fairly can be criticized for not grooming young leadership to succeed her, but she was busy trying to keep the Republicans from selling off the Grand Canyon to Exxon, and from turning Social Security into a Keno parlor.”
All humor aside, Pierce asks who Pelosi’s replacement would be, and suggests that replacing one of the most powerful women politicians in the country with a white male is unacceptable. And, I agree. According to a recent poll by Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics, there are few enough women in Congress.
“In 2018, 107 (78D, 29R) women hold seats in the United States Congress, comprising 20.0% of the 535 members. [Only] 23 women (23%) serve in the U.S. Senate, and 84 women (19.3%) serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.
So, I ask again: What are we willing to throw Pelosi under the bus?”
What Pierce also says is that if Democrats win a lot of new seats in November (and there is a Democratic majority), there is going to be a fight on every single issue “from healthcare to congressional oversight to a possible impeachment,” and the Speaker of the House must have the experience and ability to “whip” votes.
So, as far as I am concerned, all this talk about replacing Pelosi is premature and downright ridiculous. Republicans speak out against her because of her power and competence. Since when do we allow Republicans to determine who our Speaker should be? And, it’s time for Democrats to develop a collective spine!
As I wrote in an earlier diary: Jim Jordan has been accused of remaining silent while at least 100 wrestlers at Ohio State University were being molested by the team physician. Not only did House Republicans stand behind him, but Trump spoke out in favor of him (Okay, I’m aware he’s scum, but still…). Trump also brought Jordan on stage at a recent rally in Ohio, and the base cheered. (Alright…yes, I’m also aware they are the lowest of low on any spectrum).
Still, we have one of the most venerated women who has ever served in the House of Representatives, and we are willing to throw her under the bus because of Republican advertisements and condemnations. Danny O’Connor who has not yet been defeated in Ohio District 12 (because 8,000 provisional and absentee ballots will not be counted until August 14) came out against supporting Pelosi, but he also said that not one single voter has ever mentioned Speaker Pelosi.
In truth, most Democratic voters probably don’t care who the Speaker is. But, what they will care about—when Democrats are the majority—is that our party aggressively fights President Trump’s agenda, holds hearings on his abuses as well as those of his Republican cronies, indicts the guilty, and works together as a solid block to protect our democracy. And, who is better to lead this fight than Nancy Pelosi?