Agent Orange has the balls to mock soldiers at Ft Drum, even going so far as to question their patriotism. TO.THEIR.FACE. This is so outlandish you probably think I made it all up. I didn’t. That’s why I included the link to the official White House transcript. It’s that un-fucking-believable.
Ignore the fact he lies about who deserves credit for the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (hint: it’s in the goddamn title) when he said
The National Defense Authorization Act is the most significant investment in our military and our warfighters in modern history, and I am very proud to be a big, big part of it. It was not very hard. You know, I went to Congress; I said, “Let’s do it. We got to do it. We’re going to strengthen our military like never, ever before.” And that’s what we did.
Ignore the fact he lies about the significance of this bill when he said
After years of devastating cuts, we’re now rebuilding our military like we never have before, ever.
Really, EVER?! I wonder what all that rationing was about when we fought the Nazis. And what the hell was all the bragging by Reagan about? Apparently, they were doing all that with bake sales and lemonade stands.
Last year, we secured a historic $700 billion to rebuild our military. And now, the National Defense Authorization Act paves the way for another 1,700 — listen to this now. So we’ve been trying to get money. They never gave us money for the military for years and years. And it was depleted. We got $700 billion. And next year, already approved, we have $716 billion to give you the finest planes, and ships, and tanks, and missiles anywhere on Earth.
Ignore the fact he lies the pay raise soldiers are getting in this bill (2.6%) is the largest in a decade. That got a Pants on Fire rating at Politifact. (They point out Obama’s was bigger — yeah I said it).
All that pales in comparison to the kick in the balls he delivered to the MOST DEPLOYED ARMY UNIT SINCE 9/11
And we are proudly giving our troops the biggest pay increase in a decade. And I know you don’t want it because you’re very patriotic. You’ll say, just save the money. We’re going to pay down debt. Does anybody not want it? Please raise your hand. What’s going on here? (Laughter.) Are these real patriots? I don’t know, General. I don’t know.
For those keeping score, the guy has mocked veterans, belittled prisoners of war, attacks Gold Star families, (note: families is plural) and now active duty combat troops. What’s next? Pissing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
Count on Suckabee to pass that off as just a joke. Count on the FOX fanclub who ranted about Obama’s “latte salute” to pass this off as comedy the troops love. But don’t count on me to pretend this guy deserves to be Commander in Chief.
After his outlandish performance in front of the Boy Scouts of America, Rex Tillerson (an Eagle Scout) was furious, even going so far as to call Agent Orange “a fucking moron.” Now that he has publicly and officially mocked the patriotism of active duty combat troops, “fucking moron” doesn’t begin to cover it. So what do we call the pendejo now? I’ve seen shit stains I have more respect for, so don’t look to me for any answers.