Brett Kavanaugh has stated that he was never at the party where Dr. Christine Blasey Ford says she was sexually assaulted. It’s weird that he can’t recall whether he had a conversation with anyone at the law firm representing Donald Trump in the criminal investigation, and yet he can definitively say that he wasn’t at that high school party. Huh.
Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director for The Judicial Crisis Network, a conservative organization funded by dark money that is spending millions to promote conservative extremist judges like Brett Kavanaugh, says that what Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has described, that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge locked her in a room, turned up a stereo to drown out her protests, groped her, and tried to take off her bathing suit and that she feared for her life when Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth to cover her protests, even if all that were true, it was merely “rough horseplay.”
So, he definitely wasn’t at the party, but even if he were, this was “rough horseplay.” Because 15-year-old girls love “rough horseplay” with two drunk 17-year-old dudes.