The Senate, will be carrying out its Constitutional responsibility to advise and consent to the President’s nominee for a lifetime position on the United States Supreme Court and will be faced with a credibility problem. Who will they believe, Mrs. Ford or Judge Kavanaugh?
Fortunately, there appears to be corroborating evidence to support Mrs. Ford’s allegations. It has been reported that she discussed the attack, with her therapist, during a therapy session with her husband in 2012. Mrs. Ford’s husband has confirmed her version of the events stating that he recalls her mentioning Kavanaugh by name. There a statements from her High School classmates who state this incident was discussed among some of the students when it happened in 1982,
That leaves us with the lie detector [polygraph] test that she took in early August 2018. The test was administered by a former FBI agent, and confirmed Mrs. Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.
Therefore, assuming Dr. Ford agrees to testify, the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee should request the Republican Senators stipulate to the admissibility of the lie detector test. This is a Senate hearing conducted to assist the United States Senate in fulfilling its Constitutional responsibility to advise and consent, with respect to the suitability of a President’s lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. It is not a criminal proceeding where guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard. It is not a civil court trial where a preponderance of evidence is the standard. There is no Constitutional Right to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, and it is the Senate’s duty to ensure that only the most qualified individuals are appointed to such a position.
The Senate’s duty is to the Constitution, and to ensure the rule of law is protected. Only an individual with the highest moral character should be confirmed by the Senate for a seat on the highest Court in the land. Senators, I pray you put your Constitutional duty above party loyalty