That might not be bad enough, it’s the South after all, they do reenactments of the civil war here in TN, though I’m not sure political candidates join in. But this particular candidate also said:
Really? That’s someone’s birthday we should be celebrating? The only President of the Confederate States of America?
Now, Scott Wyatt is the Republican candidate in this district because the sitting Republican Delegate in VA HD97 voted for Medicaid Expansion and that pissed off the Republican Senate Majority Leader, Tommy Norment.
Norment was so pissed he recruited this civil war reenactment hero to run against the sitting Republican Delegate, Chris Peace, in a clusterfuck of a primary process that I don’t even begin to understand. A group of, sort of, everyday Republican citizens started a write-in campaign for Peace.
You can get the details of that crazy primary process at a right wing website called Bearing Drift. I'm not going to link to it because it's against DK rules. (Though it’s Republicans giving other Republicans shit, I kind of like that.)
To his credit, Chris Peace is not actively conducting a write-in campaign. It’s possible that’s against the GOP’s rules.
Here is an odd thing though, there is a voter info group in VA called VPAP. They like to say that they are "fiercely nonpartisan and independent, with a deliberate balance of Republicans and Democrats on its Board of Directors.” But… I’m not so sure that nonpartisan means what they think it does.
In the race in VA’s HD30, there is no Republican running; there will be only one name on the ballot, the Democratic candidate Ann Ridgeway. The Republican incumbent forgot to file his papers in time.
But… look at this tweet from 90for90 below, it shows VPAP listing a Republican write in candidate in Ann Ridgeways race in the 30th, how is that non partisan? They are also inconsistent, they don’t list the (out of favour for doing something decent) Republican write in candidate in the 97th. How do they make those decisions I wonder?
I get a headache trying to figure these partisan punks out. What folks in Virginia’s 97th House District need to know is that there is a great Democrat running who wants everyone to have health care. He served in the United States Army and completed a combat tour in Iraq. He continues to serve the D.o.D as a Cloud Architect. This is exactly the kind of guy we need in American politics right now!