On Tuesday afternoon, Donald Trump released on White House stationary the kind of statement that might be expected from a 3-year-old on the floor of the cereal aisle. In a six-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Trump demonstrated that the bounds of Twitter just are not bigly enough to support his hissy-fit of fury. And by doing so, he made it that much harder for Republicans in the Senate to dismiss the articles of impeachment with a hasty application of Mitch McConnell’s gavel.
Over the last two weeks, Trump’s already massive Twitter habit seemed to be heading for a climax, with triple-digit excess becoming a daily occurrence. Then Trump started exceeding 100 tweets before lunchtime. If that kind of behavior leads to an OD, this letter appears to be it—because it appears that Trump got out a glue stick and stuck together, in no particular order, every angry tweet he’s made since the impeachment report rolled out of the Intelligence Committee.
In the letter, Trump attacks Pelosi for saying that she prays for him. Trump calls Pelosi a liar, unless, he says, she prays “in a negative sense.”
The letter continues Trump’s attack on Joe Biden, in denial of the facts, by simply stating the conspiracy theory he pressed on Ukraine as if it is fact. It then accuses Democrats of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and “Impeachment Fever,” while throwing out a massive list of adjectives and utilizing Random Capitalization wherever he wants.
And then it just lies, points fingers, and kind of screams in print. It’s like a Trump rally committed to paper. Only less coherent.