One of the more unfortunate aspects of the current impeachment inquiries going on in Congress is that they allow truly awful people like Rep. Matt Gaetz the chance to speak into microphones. Gaetz has the distinction of being one of the most embarrassing things to come out of Florida in recent years—and that’s saying something. The Alex Jones-level insanity that has been wafting out of the bile exhaust pipe Rep. Gaetz calls his mouth is reaching such shrill heights, and the bootlicking of Donald Trump’s corrupt shoes is so untoward, that #MattGaetzIsATool has begun to trend … again.
But first, a PSA:
And then a reminder of who the Republican Party is depending on to defend the indefensible.
And then back to a man that could have been justifiably charged with criminal obstruction of justice.
It’s hard to watch Gaetz do much of anything because he is a clearly stupid man who is also a seemingly corrupt man, and also a cruel and mean man, whose integrity is as strong as watered-down pond scum.
Is that real? Who knows? The sentiment is very real.
Pointing out Republican hypocrisy these days is like watching a whac-a-mole machine on methamphetamine.
Point well taken.
Yes, a little off-color, but fuck these guys.
And fuck them too.
Unfortunately he represents a small part of it in Congress.
Even the Florida Democratic Party wanted to throw out a reminder of what you need to do.
But in the end, #MattGaetzIsATool is like GymJordan or HowDoesLouieGohmertBreatheAndWalkAtTheSameTime or constant acceleration: it’s a universal law.