In the last five weeks, the outbreak of measles in Clark County, Washington, has grown from one case to 50, with 11 more suspected cases this week. This is up from just last week’s number of 43 cases. Kaiser Health News reports that one of the areas hardest hit by the measles epidemic is also an area in need of much higher vaccination rates—something that is beginning to materialize as parents become afraid that maybe the benefits of immunizing your child against childhood infectious diseases outweigh the scientifically debunked threat that they will develop autism.
Orders for two types of measles vaccines in Clark County were up nearly 500 percent in January compared to the same month last year, jumping from 530 doses to 3,150, according to state health department figures.
The measles vaccination is important not just in helping to eradicate the terrible disease: There is ample evidence that children in areas that are vaccinated against measles also end up healthier in general, suffering fewer bouts of other infectious diseases as well. Scientists believe this is because contracting measles when children are young opens them up to other other childhood maladies, regardless of whether or not they survive the measles. If you can, get vaccinated!