Stephen Miller’s obsession with immigrants is so deep-seated that during an official visit to France last year, the White House aide apparently interrupted some downtime along the Seine to take a phone call in which he “spent several minutes loudly pressing administration officials on the other end of the line to deport an individual who had been detained by immigration authorities,” Politico reports.
That any 30-something White House aide is ordering around federal immigration officials or directing officials on how to decide individual immigration cases seems out of bounds, but this is the Trump administration we’re talking about, and, in particular, Stephen Miller, who has reportedly been a hateful asshole even as far back as his teen years, when he disowned a friend just for being Latino.
Now that this ghoul has the power to make the lives of many more brown people miserable, he’s been busy doing just that, reportedly calling “administration officials at all levels” to pressure them “about changes to immigration rules and regulations, and [demand] stepped-up enforcement.” In private meetings, unnamed officials say, Miller rants about “immigrant criminals” and other garbage, while effectively firing top administration officials he feels weren’t being shitty enough to immigrants.
It’s disturbing that anyone would ever think that a government that has carried out state-sanctioned kidnapping at its southern border, for example, isn’t cruel enough, but that’s who and what he is. Once again, he’s obsessed. “It’s not an overstatement to say Stephen Miller wakes up every morning thinking about illegal immigration,” another unnamed source told Politico, “and goes to sleep thinking about it as well.”
What a comment, considering Miller appears to have no problem with his boss’ businesses abusing undocumented workers. Told about the Politico piece, one of these former workers, Sandra Diaz, said that “when Stephen Miller goes to sleep at Trump properties, like Bedminster, he is sleeping in a bed made by undocumented immigrants. When he wakes up, he is fed by them. The same is true for the Trump family. They rely on our labor even as they attack us and our communities. What a bunch of hypocrites. Cruel, demeaning hypocrites.”
Cruel, demeaning hypocrites that should be held accountable. Last week, Rep. Elijah Cummings, the chair of the House Oversight Committee, invited Miller to testify in front of lawmakers. The chair acknowledged that getting White House advisers to testify before congressional committees isn’t all that common. But Miller’s acting like a department head, so he should be treated like one. Drag him in.