The 2020 campaign is going to be all fear, all the time if Mitch McConnell has anything to say about it. And since he's Senate majority leader and the second most powerful Republican in the country, he will.
All the positive stuff Democrats are running on? Forget it, he says. It's all socialism, "pervasive" in the entire Democratic field. "I don't want you to think this is a couple of nutcases running around the fringe." What's more, if he's re-elected majority leader, "Think of me as the Grim Reaper. None of that is going to pass."
No where is that more true than with any kind of improvement to the Affordable Care Act or, heaven forfend, Medicare for all. If he had his way, he'd be getting rid of all of it. Grim reaper, indeed. The death of all of us, the poor ones and the sick ones and the old ones and pretty much anyone without a trust fund or rich parents, anyway. The Green New Deal? He'll kill it and the planet along with it. Because no one trying to help the country and the world make it to the 22nd century is going to be contributing to McConnell's coffers.
This, by the way, is why Democrats have to be ready to get rid of the filibuster when they retake the majority, unless by some miracle either McConnell loses or Democrats gain 20 seats in 2020. McConnell and team will tear the entire country down before allowing it to progress into this century.
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