Why aren’t Democrats, including candidates and pundits, asking this question at every opportunity?
There were nineteen hijackers on 9/11. Fifteen were from Saudi Arabia.
Jamess' excellent diary: About that 'Back-room' Saudi Nuclear Transfer … described the wealthy interests trying to get their piece of the Saudi nuke deal and the Trump administration’s attempts to evade Congress on sharing nuclear power with the kingdom.
This is a natural issue for Democrats to use against the Trump Kleptocracy and the Republicans who aid and abet it.
The Bush administration co-opted and exploited 9/11, using it to start the disastrous Iraq war with two lies:
(1) Iraq was the main culprit for 9/11 (with Cheney using torture to try to prove that lie); and
(2) Iraq was developing WMD including nukes.
And now, we have the bitter irony of Trump reversing these lies into a terrible truth:
Trump wants to give nukes to the country with the actual 9/11 culprits.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly demonized Saudi Arabia, saying on numerous occasions that Saudi Arabia was the country behind the 9/11 attacks, and railing against their murderous homophobia, screaming about how they were throwing gays off buildings. That was because it helped his constant Hillary demonizing, in this case the Clinton Foundation’s accepting donations from the Kingdom.
Since the election, of course, he’s MBS’s BFF, touching strange globes with him and ignoring murder by bone saw.
Trump is a dire threat in many ways — fundamental rights, Russia-centric foreign policy, climate change hostility. Nukes to MBS is one way that hasn’t gotten enough attention.
Republicans manipulate fear through lying, but nukes to Saudi Arabia is a truth really to be afraid of. It’s not demagoguery to warn about an actual threat and the greed that motivates it. Bush won re-election based on 9/11 lies. Trump must lose it based on the truth about nukes, Saudi Arabia and 9/11.
So Democrats and liberal pundits. Step up and spread the word.
Trump is selling nukes to the 9/11 hijackers’ country for the benefit of his greedy friends.
They don’t care about you, your family or the fate of the world.
*Edited version of a diary posted yesterday