Steve Bannon took a break from turning into compost for long enough to speak with Michael Wolff for Wolff’s latest book, Siege: Trump Under Fire. And Bannon had a lot of salty things to say about his ex-boss.
The Guardian secured an advance copy of the book, scheduled to be released June 4, and highlighted Bannon’s part in it.
The upshot? Trump is a fake billionaire and a crook.
The former White House adviser Steve Bannon has described the Trump Organization as a criminal entity and predicted that investigations into the president’s finances will lead to his political downfall, when he is revealed to be “not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag”.
So what’s the over/under on “Sloppy Steve” tweets in the next month? I think Vegas has it pegged at 600.
Assessing the president’s exposure to various investigations, many seeded by the special counsel Robert Mueller during his investigation of Russian election interference, Wolff writes: “Trump was vulnerable because for 40 years he had run what increasingly seemed to resemble a semi-criminal enterprise.”
He then quotes Bannon as saying: “I think we can drop the ‘semi’ part.”
To Bannon, though, Trump’s criminality will not be the death blow — it will be his obvious incompetence and shameless fakery that undoes him: “This is where it isn’t a witch hunt – even for the hard core, this is where he turns into just a crooked business guy, and one worth $50m instead of $10bn. Not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag.”
Just another scumbag? No. A scumbag with access to the nuclear codes and the means to hold the world’s economy hostage.
And one we must vote out in 2020.
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