The horrific images and reports continue to stream from the border. Immigration lawyers like me have been in the trenches fighting to coax a modicum of due process out of the deportation machine for a long time: I've been at this for 16 years now. But we don't always realize the size, complecity, and entrenched nature of the machine. That millions are paying attention means now is the time to dismantle it.
To all of you who've tagged/messaged/texted me over the past few days - I'm humbled by your vote of confidence. I'm just a practitioner/advocate, but I'm happy to offer some concrete steps of things you can do.
Some context first:
- It does no good to continue to point out that these cruel practices aren't new. The takeaway isn't that Obama was bad or that Trump is worse. The takeaway is that we are fighting an entrenched system that feeds on detention and deportation. Trump didn't build the machine; in truth, his administration hasn't shown much aptitude in using it.
- Total deportation numbers are down from Obama's era, who still deserves the Deporter-In-Chief moniker. This is a combination of incompetence from this administration, and (take a bow, y'all) "The Resistance," less cooperation with ICE, more legal challenges, and people just showing up.
- Be angry, but stop being shocked. Anger motivates, shock paralyzes. Assume that chaos and cruelty are intentional. Remember, the goal is to get kids (and their parents) out of jail. They don't need crayons and teddy bears. They need their families. It's horrible to hear they're not getting soap and toothpaste - but remember, the singular goal must be to get them out. They're in concentration camps. Stay focused.
Now, on to some concrete things. And this is a non-exhaustive list, so please feel free to suggest other items and I will try to update this post to incorporate suggestions.
1. Groups to support financially:
Al Otro Lado
2. Volunteer with these organizations:
They need lawyers, interpreters, social workers, people to do intake. Sign up and find out how to help. Some options are on the border but many are remote/virtual.
3. Organize marches and vigils. Hit the streets! Here's one local (Virginia) event:
In that line, it's time to organize marches outside every immigrant detention center: this evil isn't just on the border.
ICE wants interior enforcement? So do we.
Never underestimate the power of people showing up: that is the very definition of social change. Time and pressure. Don't be distracted by shiny new objects.
Be angry, but stop being shocked. Anger motivates, shock paralyzes.
4. Talk to your elected officials. All the time. Every day. Volume matters (of calls, not your voice)
On the federal side:
- Demand they introduce legislation to ban private prisons and detention facilities (where the federal govt is the contracting party)
- Demand legislation to move (and keep) detainees close to their lawyers.
- Demand legislation to mandate secure phone lines and electronic document submission to/from detainees, to aid counsel
- Create a public immigration defender. (If accused criminals get a lawyer, so should a detained immigrant. If it's not a criminal proceeding, then stop incarcerating them.)
On the state/local side:
- Ban state from cooperating with ICE.
- Refuse to honor detainers
- Legislation to ban private prisons/detention centers (where the state is the contracting party)
- Raise the age for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status to 21 to be in line with federal law
- Create a state public immigration defender. See above.
- Outlaw or tightly regulate usurious GPS ankle-bracelet monitoring companies who charge vulnerable immigrants exorbitant fees to track them under threat of incarceration
- Transparency in law enforcement process of labeling people gang member/associate
5. Impact Litigation
Massive coordinated FOIA effort to review every government contract with private prison/detention center companies such as Geo Group or CoreCivic.
Prosecution (criminal and civil) of bad actors: those who skirt/defy due process agreements like Flores, CEO's of baby jails like Southwest Key Programs, Inc. Make detention expensive - for the business owners.
6. Messaging
Offense is the best defense here. We can't compromise on the backbone of democracy. But we're losing the war if we use their language, their terminology, their ideology. When we advocate, let's use our own positive framing:
Aspiring American.
Border prosperity.
Family-based merit.
Exchange immigration.
Come as you are.
Humanity has intrinsic merit.
Compassion is strength.
And let's attack their framing:
Merit-based means privileged.
Border security means militarization.
Killing due process at the border is the real illegal immigration.
Immigration detention is incarceration.
Family residential centers are baby jails.
Immigration restriction enables white nationalist terrorism.
People are not a line item on a balance sheet.
Cruelty is weakness. Weakness of mind, weakness of intellect, weakness of policy.
Never underestimate the power of people showing up: that is the very definition of social change.
I close with words from my college professor, Sidney Rittenberg, who survived years of solitary confinement during China's horrific Cultural Revolution: