Welcome to the 768th original “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” profile, where today we’ll be discussing Craig Brittain, a 2018 GOP Primary candidate for the U.S. Senate, seeking the seat left by the retiring Jeff Flake, and he is again on the ballot in 2020 as a challenger to the newly appointed Sen. Martha McSally to try and win the U.S. Senate seat once held by the legendary Sen. John McCain.
Now, we’re still concerned that this chap is floating around in the political ether, even if he did fail to get himself on the primary election candidate list. And while we feel like maybe being a pornography mogul would be something that would be make someone a long shot to be a successful political candidate, we think the fact that Craig Brittain has made his living as a purveyer of revenge porn is what makes him utterly unfit for any office, unless if by “office” we mean “prison cell”. We’re not going to mince words, if you make money off of the victimization of women whose nude images were given to you to spread without their consent, and you only take them down if they offer you $200-$500, you belong in a jail for extortion, not the U.S. Senate. (Although, given how corrupt most Republican Senators act these days, maybe he would fit right in.) What should not come as a revelation is Brittain continues to have a generally disgusting way of talking to women, sometimes calling them unflattering c-words online, or flat-out telling them their “womanlives” are worth nothing. Because how else can you run a revenge porn site unless you think women are subhuman?
Brittains’ “business” is under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, which not shockingly, he wants to abolish. Also, in the interest of being a libertarian-wing Republican who takes the ideology to near anarchic levels of non-governance, he would like to also abolish the Federal Communications Commission, Internal Revenue Service, United Nations, Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Reserve, Transportation Security Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
As far as campaign rhetoric, Brittain claimed to want to be the biggest ally he could for Donald Trump, constantly harassed journalists on social media for not supporting his campaign in print like he would prefer, and accused Democratic Primary candidate Deedra Abboud of being “a sponsor of terror” which we’re sure had nothing to do with the fact that she’s a Muslim and he’s a deranged bigot. And that’s not an isolated event, as he has yelled at a venture capitalist on Twitter and called them “towelhead piece of s*** invader” and “raghead”. Which is even more strange because there’s no indication that the person he was screaming at is in any way Muslim, Sikh, or of any African or Asian descent. So… ???
Brittain’s defense against all these incidents of abusive behavior on Twitter? “It wasn’t me, it was some messenger”. Yes, he’s going with the Family Circus Ghost defense.
Craig Brittain’s campaign for U.S. Senate faces several challenges. The first being, he’s still Craig Brittain, bigoted revenge porn mogul. The second being is he is currently banned from Twitter, for accusing several survivors of the Parkland shooting of lying about being on campus during the rampage. He filed a lawsuit in protest of his banning, and we’re pretty sure that Twitter is going to win it based on previous precedent over their terms of use and kicking people off the site for “abusive behavior” (I mean, the slurs and misogyny are one thing, but the conspiracy theory stuff… what the?). We’re not certain his claims that he’s going to have a campaign event with a combination of white national guests like Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, Milo Yiannopolous, would be appearing on stage with Snoop Dogg and Run the Jewels… but it seems more likely that Brittain is just bats*** koo-koo.
One Year Ago, July 22nd, 2018: Steve Montenegro (AZ)… 2018 Update
Two Years Ago, July 22nd, 2017: Steve Montenegro (AZ)… Original Profile
Three Years Ago, July 22nd, 2016: Scott Jones (CA)
Four Years Ago, July 22nd, 2015: Joe Walsh (IL)… 2015 Update
Five Years Ago, July 22nd, 2014: Joe Walsh (IL)… Original Profile