Since the Gingrich years, Republicans haven’t been good faith political actors. Instead, they have increasingly accepted a nationalist "us versus them" mentality to rile up their voters. See, for example, gay marriage in 2004, the birther movement, and Trump's clearly racist screed since he announced his candidacy.
They have no meaningful policy responses to any problem. For example, at the beginning of the Obama years, the Republicans were entirely against government spending, arguing instead for austerity. They took the exact opposite tact after Trump was elected -- as witnessed by our current $1 trillion dollar deficit. Here's another example: the ACA contained two key Republican ideas: the individual mandate and insurance exchanges. They were included to entice Republican support. We know how that went.
The white nationalism inherent in Republican's messaging appeals to a smaller slice of an increasingly diverse electorate. This has fueled their voter suppression efforts. Various court documents in gerrymandering cases contain Republican communication clearly showing the underlying intent of gerrymandering is to dilute non-white voting.
So -- how to Dem's deal with this? We go low.
First, it's time to embrace dark money. There are plenty of rich Democrats to fund these efforts. We create giant super packs with a hidden donor list to fund all sorts of electoral shenanigans. The Supreme Court has validated this approach in Citizen's United.
Second, once we control state legislatures, we embrace extreme gerrymandering. Place as many racist white voters into the smallest number of voting districts as humanly possible. If Republicans don't like it, they can sue in court. In response, we'll say the Supreme Court eliminated the courts as the proper path of redress.
Third, we follow McConnell's example and pack the courts while also seeking to impeach the more extreme court placements that occurred under his watch. Start with Kavanaugh.
Fourth, we purge racist voter roles and make poor and stupid white voting hard. The former can be done under the standard Republican template of, "we're just trying to ensure the sanctity of the ballot." The latter would involve things like one voting machine for four rural towns that are hundreds of miles apart. We could also send a decreasing number of poorly maintained machines to these districts. Republicans have been doing this in minority districts for decades.
Fifth, we start impeachment investigations now. If you’ve read the Mueller report, you’d agree.
Are these extreme responses? Yes. But here's the real deal: right now, the planet's temperatures are rising at alarming rates. If we want the human race to survive in a meaningful way beyond a few generations, we need to act now. And, instead of offering viable solutions, the Republicans are saying the problem doesn't exist. The longer we engage in meaningless debate with a non-serious debate partner, the harder the solutions become.
In shorter messaging: we need to steamroll the opposition in the name of the saving the planet.
I personally don’t see any other choice anymore.