The trials and tribulations of the National Rifle Association, best known for promoting guns over children’s safety, continue unabated. Internal strife highlighted by lawsuits and allegations of frivolous spending, money mismanagement, and general shady practices has led to a consolidation of the ranks behind top dog Wayne LaPierre. About two weeks ago four NRA board members requested that an independent investigation be held around the allegations of the company’s financial improprieties. Today, three of those members signed a letter resigning from the board due to being “rebuffed at every turn” in their pursuit of oversight.
The three write that they had, at the very least, hoped the organization would listen to their calls for an investigation to either exonerate NRA leadership of the charges against them or suss out the problems in management. “Instead, we have been stonewalled, accused of disloyalty, stripped of committee assignments and denied effective counsel necessary to properly discharge our responsibilities as Board members.”
This letter comes less than a week after the NRA’s chief lobbyist Chris Cox stepped down from his top executive position at the organization amidst allegations of impropriety, and reports that LaPierre had been effective in getting Cox suspended from his duties.
Thoughts and prayers.