In the wake of the two mass shootings in less than 24 hours that left 29 people dead and more than 50 wounded, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke was asked if there was anything Donald Trump could do to “make this better.” He had an excellent answer.
O’Rourke’s full response:
What do you think? You know the shit he’s been saying. He’s been calling Mexican immigrants racists and criminals. I don’t know, like, members of the press, what the fuck? Hold on a second. You know I, it’s these questions that you know the answer to. I mean, connect the dots about what he’s been doing in this country. He’s not tolerating racism, he’s promoting racism. He’s not tolerating violence, he’s inciting racism and violence in this country. So, you know, I just, I don’t know what kind of question that is.
Will this response make the media stop to connect those racist dots that have been staring them in the face for three years? Probably not. But it needed to be said, and more Democrats need to be saying it.