WOW2 is a sister blog to This Week in the War on Women. This edition covers women and events just from September 1 to September 10.
Since I’ve broken the data limit on individual diaries, I’m now splitting WOW2 into three posts. On Saturday, September 21, Mid-September will post, followed by Late September on Saturday, September 28.
This is an on-going, evolving project. So many women have been added to the lists since its beginning in 2015 that even changing the posts from monthly to twice a month, the pages kept getting longer and more unwieldy – an astonishing and wonderful problem to have!
The purpose of WOW2 is to learn about and honor women of achievement, including many who’ve been ignored or marginalized in most of the history books, and to mark moments in women’s history. It also serves as a reference archive of women’s history. There are so many more phenomenal women than I ever dreamed of finding, and all too often their stories are almost unknown, even to feminists and scholars.
Many thanks to libera nos — not only for volunteering to be the proofreader for WOW2, but for also contributing to the research. So he is now officially Assistant Editor of WOW2. Any remaining mistakes are either mine, or uncaught computer glitches in transferring the data from his emails to DK5.
And I joyfully welcome another contributor to the team — wow2lib, who happens to be married to libera nos, and has used her considerable library science skills to seek out new sources of information, and add more names to WOW 2’s ever-expanding pantheon of Women of Achievement. She will be an occasional contributor, and is WOW2’s Librarian Emeritus.
For the entire previous EARLY SEPTEMBER list as of 2018,
click HERE:
Otherwise, what you’re seeing on this Early September 2019 page are the
new people and events, or additional information and visuals,
found since last year.
These trailblazers have a lot to teach us about persistence in the face of overwhelming odds. I hope you will find reclaiming our past as much of an inspiration as I do.
This Week in the War on Women
will post soon, so be sure to go there next to catch
up on the latest dispatches from the frontlines.