If you haven’t heard of Ben Shapiro and the right-wing “intellectual dark web,” consider yourself lucky. While outlets like The New York Times have given Shapiro and his scene too much credit, most people with something resembling an education can see them for what they are: males in a perpetual state of developmental ego retardation. This has left them believing themselves to be very smart, but unable to defend any of their positions outside of a very small handful of likeminded brainiacs. Not being able to develop a super ego, this has made them very angry at most everybody for not believing in their superior intelligence.
Shapiro has the intellectual depth of a light fart. He’s what happens when you perform well on a high school debate team, and you find that most of your classmates do not like you. You console yourself by telling yourself that they are all jealous of your great intellect; and then, upon entering higher education institutions with other intelligent folks, you find out that they don’t think your ideas are very good, you are not able to defend those ideas, and those people also cannot stand you. So instead of looking at yourself and your ideas and how you treat people, you say that they, too, are jealous of your intelligence—even your professors. It’s easier for your fragile ego to believe that than to accept the fact that you are a dumb, mean-spirited, asshole.
Campaign Action
Shapiro, like many of these guys, spends a considerable amount of time hosting radio shows and podcasts and boasting about big numbers of listeners, while at the same time saying that his freedom of speech is being truncated by political correctness and the left. It’s laughable except for the fact that a lot of people have bought into it. With the somewhat new news that Supreme Court justice and alleged sexual assault bro Brett Kavanaugh has more alleged sexual assault-like behavior in his past, Shapiro (a staunch anti-MeToo idiot) needs to try and continue retrofitting his intellectual argument for why Kavanaugh should have been allowed to testify in front of a Senate Committee, let alone become a Supreme Court justice.
Ben Shapiro’s big shadow-of-a-doubt defense? No one has described what Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh’s penis looks like—at least not to Ben Shaprio’s satisfaction. You can watch Shapiro’s blathering below. A side note: Shapiro’s intellectual credentials seems to hang solely on his ability to speak fast.
We’ve had a bevy of public figures in recent years who have had their genitalia described on national television by people who allege sexual assault.
He names Trump and Clinton and says the lack of genitalia description by multiple witnesses casts doubt in his mind that Brett Kavanaugh committed any of the multiple alleged crimes. There’s no need for me to debate this any further since it’s a specious argument at best, but more likely and truly an intellectually dishonest one. But we have the internets, and the responses to this bit of dumb are worth a laugh. But first, Benny boy:
And now, off to the races!
I’m not a special snowflake????
I mean, just sayin’
Hey, I didn’t say it. I’m just reporting the news.
Might be the only title he’s earned.