Lordy, lordy, look who’s at it again:
Dude, the whistleblower’s complaint was the start of the investigation. And he or she is simply following the law as it’s written. It’s like if someone called in an anonymous tip that you’d murdered three girls on Epstein Island. You wouldn’t get to meet that tipster, because you’d almost certainly strangle him with your bare hands — assuming he had a neck the size of a micropipette. When they get around to calling witnesses and requesting the documents you’ve already stupidly released, then you’ll get to meet your accuser(s).
(In case you want to know what Trump’s talking about vis-a-vis Adam Schiff, you can read this. Spoiler alert: His larynx is in his ass again.)
Also, why the fuck would anyone who’s ever “crossed” you come forward? Especially in light of this:
Hmm, so Donald Trump — who comports himself 24/7 like a mob boss and commands a phalanx of dribbling goons — hints that maybe the people ratting on him should be executed, and the whistleblower all of a sudden gets scared? And this is the person Trump wants to “meet.”
Question: If the whistleblower simply brought to light a “beautiful” and “perfect” conversation, as Trump insists, why should that person be frightened? And why does Trump need to confront them?
Is it because Geraldo threatened to beat him or her up?
Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I’m typing this shit. The me of 10 years ago called and thinks the me of today is a madman.
Nope. Just observing, me of 10 years ago. Sorry. Also, take the fucking blue pill. Believe me. You don’t want to see what’s coming.
UPDATE: The whistleblower’s attorney claims 60 Minutes misinterpreted the letter in question.
However, the whistleblower does appear to be spooked by both Trump’s veiled threats and the unwelcome attention of Trump’s supporters.
One of the letters from the whistleblower's lawyer first obtained by CBS News' "60 Minutes" outlined concerns that the whistleblower may be identified. The lawyer specifically cites President Trump's demand to know who gave the whistleblower the information and states that a $50,000 "bounty" relating to information identifying them has been issued by "certain individuals."
There you go. Now there’s a bounty. So the update on this isn’t exactly encouraging.
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