The explosive story in the Atlantic and confirmed by multiple news sources, including Fox “News” exposing Trump’s disdain for the military is a huge story. Trump has tried to deny it, denied he called the late John McCain a loser even though there is video showing it and now alleging that VoteVets “colluded” and knew the story in advance, producing a political ad in advance of the release of the Atlantic story. Preposterous, but Trump believes everyone colludes because he colludes. As usual, he tries to project his own crimes and deceptions on others because that is the way HE would behave. This story is so big that his minions and he will do anything to get it off the front page.
So, it won’t take long for his people and him to try to create a diversion to get the press all lathered up about something else so his disgusting attitude about the military will fade. It is our job to not fall for his next diversion. We must continue to press this story as it is extremely powerful and is a perfect example of the fact that Trump is unfit for office and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. I urge the press and everyone else who wants to defeat Trump to keep this story alive throughout the rest of the election season because it really exposes Trump for what he is: a self-centered narcissist who cares for no one but himself and cannot understand why anyone would volunteer to protect our democracy and democracy throughout the world.