I have to use 4 liters of oxygen each day and then at night blended into my CPAP.
Unfortunately I've been in a rehab / nursing home the last few weeks. And we know how well nursing home places are run…
Every night I would ask to no avail to help switching from my cannula to my X
CPAP... and gotten no help. So for the last few weeks...no machine at night.
At the same time I've had a urinary catheter in, making movement even worse. This Friday morning I went to the urologist to get the catheter taken out and that's the last thing I remember until 830 friday night when I woke up in the local ER.
Turns out I was so lethargic at the doc they ordered me to the hospital. I had so much co2 in my system and so little oxygen I was totally out of it.
Now I'm in the hospital itself until they get the gas mixture on me straight. I get blood draws from my wrist every 8 hours or so to see where my levels are. The blood draws from the wrist are tremendously painful. And there is no telling I'll be back in the hospital for this time before I have to go back and start over at rehab again.
Life just sucks beyond belief all too often.