I don’t have much to say. Today, I’ll go to Shul and hear the Torah read … I’ll be done with Jacob/Ya’akov for another year … Too many months of his purloining birthrights and stealthily stealing brachas … of cheating his inlaws and always afraid of people getting back at him. Of being a terrible Father, spawning two mass-murderers, two non-consanguineal incesters, a narcissist and a girl who just wanted to fall in love and was prevented from doing so … Disgusted by his concern over his reputation which he held as more important than a genocide perpetrated by two of his sons. Tired of his kvetching to Pharaoh about how tough his life was and trying to pass on the toxic competition to his Grandkids, M’Nasheh and Ephrayim. Annoyed by his cavalierly narcissistic: Rachel “died on me” in today’s Sidrah. Tired of Ya’akov: Gei, Gezunterheit … Vaia con Dios … and let’s hit the road with Moshe.