Welcome to the new year. It's going to mostly be 2019 Part II, just so you know. And Donald J. Trump, still impeached by the House and still awaiting a Senate trial, the beginning of which itself hinges on Sen. Moscow McConnell at least pretending that he is not one of the most corrupt sleazebags to roll through Washington since the days of Teapot Dome, yes that Donald Trump, closed out the last decade (the decade ends on 9, don't make this a thing with me, not now) by lying his mistress-having tax-avoiding money-laundering-ever-adjacent behind off yet again about yet another easily, easily checkable facet of our shared reality.
"One of my greatest honors was to have gotten CHOICE approved for our great Veterans. Others have tried for decades, and failed!" tweeted the Idiot in Chief.
Not true. Not even close to true. CHOICE was signed by President Barack Obama. It was something the late Sen. John McCain was a bit proud of, as well; how very surprising that Trump's still-bizarre memory lapses somehow manage to erase his declared enemies and re-imagine things so that TRUMP, in big gold letters, turns out to be the only relevant human in history.
Trump's contribution was to sign a modification slightly decreasing wait times. It may or may not have been done with a Sharpie. Whether he is intentionally lying, is suffering from delusions brought on by his well-documented narcissistic obsessions, or his jumbled and conflated memories are a product of a slow slide into dementia is, as usual, not clear.
But this is how the year is going to go. With this possibly confused, definitely crooked, now-impeached personification of humanity's worst faults lying constantly, about everything, as Republicanism continues to adapt itself into a vehicle for disinformation, propaganda, and crime-doing. Then there will be an election.