Republican Sen. John Cornyn’s desperation in his suddenly very competitive race against MJ Hegar in Texas is just getting plain embarrassing now, following the latest chapter in his “I’ve actually opposed the president behind the scenes, no seriously” saga. And this new one’s really quite the doozy.
First, Cornyn claimed that he’s actually supported legalization for undocumented youth, even though he’s given the thumbs down to it on the Senate floor. Then he claimed he’s actually been fighting for them behind the scenes, but just hadn’t said anything publicly. Now in another stupid lie, Cornyn claims he actually opposed Donald Trump’s wall swindling, but just privately. “Cornyn’s voting record and public statements show the exact opposite,” immigrant rights advocacy group America’s Voice said in a statement. Shocking.
As Daily Kos’ Hunter noted during the weekend, Cornyn really wanted the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board to know “that Actually, he has ‘disagreed’ with Donald Blowhard Corruption Magnet on at least several important Republican things during these last four years. It is just that he did it in ‘private,’ because reasons.” And when some polling has found that Texas voters oppose this racist eyesore (in this instance we’re talking about the wall, not Cornyn), just way to go for standing up for them, right?
The truth is that when Cornyn had an actual chance to stand up to Trump and oppose his wall swindling using the power of his Senate vote, Cornyn collapsed like the wall itself.
“In September 2019, Congress attempted to overturn Trump’s emergency declaration and 12 Senate Republicans voted against Trump, but Senator Cornyn was not among them,” America’s Voice said. “Instead, he sided with Trump and voted against the joint resolution. Cornyn then was conveniently absent for the October 2019 Senate vote seeking to overturn President Trump’s veto of the joint resolution.”
Oh, John. John, John, John John. John. We know that you like to portray yourself as a serious voice in the Senate (and having Ted Cruz serving alongside you certainly helps you a lot in that, lucky you), but to spout these ridiculous and easily disprovable lies at Texans makes you no different than the impeached president who spouts lies at all Americans every day. He lies to us because he thinks we’re stupid and he can get away with it, and that’s what you’re doing to Texans too. Texas deserves better, America’s Voice Texas-based campaigns manager Mario Carrillo said.
“The simplest explanation is usually the right one: John Cornyn is in a tough re-election fight in a rapidly diversifying and competitive Texas and he knows the unpopularity of his real record of opposing Dreamers and siding with Trump in stealing military money to build the stupid wall,” Carrillo said. “It’s another classic ‘Cornyn Con,’ mixed in with mountains of hypocrisy, cowardice and lies.”
“The race for U.S. Senate in Texas has gotten a lot hotter than incumbent GOP Sen. John Cornyn ever imagined at the outset of this cycle,” Daily Kos’ Kerry Eleveld recently wrote. “Due to Cornyn and his Republican senate colleagues building Donald Trump into the monster that escaped from lab, Cornyn’s Democratic challenger MJ Hegar is breathing down his neck in her bid to unseat him. In fact, a Public Policy Polling survey released Friday put Hegar just a few points down. ‘MJ Hegar trails John Cornyn just 49-46, making up for the Republican lean of the state thanks to a 55-34 advantage with independent voters,’ writes PPP.”
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