A Cleveland, Ohio grand jury indicted Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman on felony charges. New felony charges. Back in August, right-wing fraudsters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman were reported as suspects in a series of misinformation robocalls that seemed to target urban communities in Michigan and elsewhere. The calls were filled with false information that was clearly hoping to scare or dissuade people from mailing in their vote.
On Tuesday, the two men were indicted on eight counts of “telecommunications fraud” and seven counts of bribery in connection with “more than 8,000 calls” placed in Cleveland and surrounding areas. This is just a small part of the fraud being perpetrated by way of robocalls and Jacob Wohl. Earlier this month, Michigan’s attorney general announced similar charges against the pair.
The calls told prospective voters that while mail-in voting sounded “great,” it would also be used by collection agencies and authorities to collect debt or pressure those with outstanding warrants. Because Wohl and Burkman are low-level, intellectually vapid scumbags, they buttoned their fraud by ending the robocalls with the tag that they were produced by a “civil rights organization founded by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl.” First rule of perpetrating a fraud is not to tell people you’re perpetrating a fraud.
The pair of crummy low-lifes are also facing a civil lawsuit in New York, filed on behalf of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, calling their robocall scheme a violation of the Voting Rights Act. According to Daily Dot reporter Zachary Petrizzo, Wohl and Burkman had no lawyer for that New York appearance on Monday. Reportedly, Wohl defended robocalls saying mail-in voting could lead to “forced vaccination” as not targeting of Black and Brown communities because the anti-vaxxer movement “is a diverse movement.”
Reports put the two’s robocall scheme at more than 85,000 calls to areas of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois. Those areas were targeted by area code and were shockingly directed at “urban areas, with high percentages of minority and Democratic voters.”
Of course, these two yokels have a Trump-long history of seemingly felonious behavior. In May, recordings purporting to show them scheming to slander Dr. Anthony Fauci came to light. The new robocall campaign is a move up in the dynamic duo’s criminal behavior, which up until now has been attempts to connect sexual scandals to Democratic officials like Sen. Elizabeth Warren. So far they haven’t been as successful at lying as their political party leadership has been.
If Trump loses refuses to concede, we need to take to the streets. The Protect the Results coalition has been preparing for this by organizing hundreds of post-election events across the country. Click here to find, and RSVP for, the Count Every Vote rally near you.
Here’s an example of one of the robocalls these two men might go to prison for.