From July to November 2020 I did some Tarot readings of our chances to defeat Trump and posted here. How did the predictions turned out ?
Very accurate. You can read them yourself, but the short version is that I predicted we would win. Not a huge feat, as I started from the premise we would win, and just tried to see how would that victory manifest. And I saw Victory Reason and Justice. and unsettling news of a betrayal. The revelation of a painful truth. And that we Dems would fairness, I also saw Defeat for Trump and his Stubbornness. Refusal to move into the future, escaping from reality and contempt for science, this confirmed by later readings. I also saw “An incorruptible judge, whose devotion to the letter of the law cannot be swayed by emotion” sides with Biden even when the judge wasn’t necessarily on his side, but because it was the law. I saw the cowardice of our opponents and their refusal to accept reality. To all this the advice was do not give in, but use calm persuasion to carry you to victory. Using courage, willpower, and inner strength to overcome difficulties, We are going to science and lawyer the shit out of this crisis!
Reading things after the fact, I see where I read about “incorruptible judge” and I guessed the military but it turns out the SCOTUS and state courts has been just as incorruptible and impartial. I also read that betrayal, painful truth and even treason and had no idea what it was.. Which now it is obvious: Way too many republicans don’t care for democracy if they aren’t winning.
There was also a curious indication that we will find help in our quest, we will find willing new partners to help us run the nation. Maybe what’s left of the GOP that is not in thrall of Trump ?
I did do a last reading trying to see who supported Trump and why. I’m not sure I got a clear picture but there was definitely the “Devotion to fantasies and daydreams, to the exclusion of practical skills or the pursuit of knowledge. Insecurity leading to dishonor, vice, and undue susceptibility to outside influences” and much more. On the good news is that when Trump is defeated those snakes will slither back under the rocks they came. They are cowards.
But the best news is that Biden’s victory will bring a renaissance of science, art, reason, justice and fairness to the USA