I noticed Fox News didn’t launch their annual coverage of the War on Christmas this year—I suppose it has something to do with the fact that the right-wing is now openly embracing sacrilege.
I was told by someone it’s offensive to call Trump supporters a cult...
OK… but…
Trump as Jesus Christ? Sure, why not. He’s already compared himself to Jesus, and tweeted that he is King of Israel, so this isn’t much of a leap for him. I do admit, however, that Nancy Pelosi ALWAYS looks badass even when they are trying to make her look bad.
This painting, by a Jacksonville artist, apparently sold for a hefty sum, yet I cannot confirm from any legitimate source. The person who bought it must have thought it would look nice in their home or office. I would love to meet this person. On second thought, no.
To answer a question you might be having: no, this isn’t normal. Do a Google search on “Obama art” or “Biden art.” Then, when you are ready, do a search of “Trump art.” Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I just don’t think there is any deprogramming this bizarre cult. To be clear, this IS a cult. That’s not just my humble opinion, it’s the opinion of cult experts that those who reside in MAGAworld and QAnon-land are brainwashed. These people see Trump as the sole authority of truth—they are zealous, protective and unquestionably committed to him.
If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to check with the president if it's true.’
Mark Lee, Trump supporter on CNN panel
Some have already openly declared they would die for Trump. The Arizona GOP literally asked this of their members. Seriously.
I mean, I love Biden and all, but if the Florida Dems asked me if I would die for him, I would have to respectfully decline—and take a long hard look at the party I was following.
I’m sure Trump, if he had won, would gladly have hung this monstrosity somewhere in the White House. If you think he wouldn’t, see what highly inappropriate and vain “art” Trump put up in the Presidential Dining Room. It’s not quite as bad as this painting, but Trump has since gotten way worse. If anything, this painting is a reflection of the current Trump supporter—classless, blasphemous, and more willing than ever to cross a line.
It sure is.