In an interview to be broadcast on Sunday on CNN, Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner tells CNN’s Fareed Fareed Zakaria that former national security adviser John Bolton — as well as other now-departed White House officials — didn’t “have what it took” to serve under the president.
CNN reports, “Kushner went on to suggest that Bolton and other senior former officials, including former Defense Secretary James Mattis and former White House chief of staff John Kelly, didn’t have the chops to perform their jobs to the level needed.”
According to Kushner, Trump “cycled out a lot of the people who didn’t have what it took to be successful here and a lot of the people who have come in and been excellent are not out there complaining and writing books because they’re too busy working.”
Kushner is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!!!
Bolton, Mattis, Kelly -- not one of them has what it takes to work for Trump.
And what does it take to work for Trump? Here's a partial list of qualities Trump looks for:
-- No moral values
-- Ability to lie and lie and lie . . . and then lie some more
-- Total loyalty to TRUMP -- no loyalty to law, justice, right, ethics
-- Ignorance
-- Lack of professional credentials
-- No experience for the job.
Yep, Kushner put his finger on it.