Back in 2016, Salon ran a story about the time the Rolling Stones had to deal with Donald tRump trying to violate a contract. (link)
Even in the late-‘80s, however, The Stones didn’t want to be associated with Trump. So they cut a deal with him, stipulating he wouldn’t be involved in any promotional capacity outside of Atlantic City and, amazingly, wouldn’t be allowed at the show itself.
The day of the concert, tRump tried multiple times to violate the contract by inserting himself and trying to give a promotional press conference in the Stones’ room. Tour promoter Michael Cohl kept having to go back and stop tRump. Finally Keith Richards pulled out a knife and said either tRump was leaving the building or they were. Cohl went back again to eject tRump.
Then, while literally telling Donald Trump “You’re fired,” Cohl noticed Trump’s “three shtarkers he’s with, in trench coats, two of them are putting on gloves and the other one is putting on brass knuckles.”
Cohl signaled his head of security, who “got 40 of the crew with tire irons and hockey sticks and screwdrivers,” effectively sending off Trump and his goons.
“And that was the night I fired Donald Trump,” Cohl concluded.
So what do we learn from this lesson? Donald tRump is a bully and a liar (OK we already knew that) who will not back down unless you stand up to him and his goons/minions in overwhelming numbers. Several things here:
- Don’t take any $hit from tRump.
- Keep your eye on him because he will try $hit again even after being told no.
- When he tries to bully you to still get his way, use force and overwhelming numbers to send him packing.
Our force options may be a little limited. But we have to stand united against him and his minions in the meantime and then overwhelm them in November.