(A series of rebuttals here to a recent FP story here on DK):
"As the planet's resources dwindle, a debate on population control is needed more than ever":
(As recently as 1800 there were merely only 1 billion people on the planet Earth)
Jul 24, 2019 · Now it seems, there's a growing consensus that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the global heating crisis, among other environmental challenges. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel said.
Humanity under threat from perfect storm of crises – study
Climate, extreme weather, biodiversity, food and water crises could lead to ‘systemic collapse’www.theguardian.com/...
"Yet there are good reasons for arguing that a stabilisation or gradual reduction in population would be the best way to address the carbon emissions problem"
Guardian UK
"There are good reasons for arguing that a stabilisation or gradual reduction in population would be the best way to address the carbon emissions problem. Calculations have been made that any given land mass has a certain carrying capacity, based on its ability to support its inhabitants' needs. So one estimate is that Britain can ideally support 17 million people. Let's say for the sake of argument that this is incorrect, yet it raises the question of whether there are any limits as to how many people this land can support. Currently we have about 61 million. Would 80 million be fine? 100 million? 200 million? How would we know? Who should decide?"www.theguardian.com/...
"There's absolutely no question of culling large families, genocide, or destroying civil liberties.
These are unhelpfully emotive reactions that prevent a necessary, informed debate. This is about consciousness raising. It's about sensible voluntary limits to population growth"
Most women live in developing countries, which often rank poorly on gender equity. More than 230 million women who wish to avoid pregnancy are currently unable to because they are not using modern contraception. A quarter of all girls do not attend secondary school and one in five girls is married before her 18th birthday, meaning many women still spend most of their lives bearing children at short intervals. Empowering women and girls is one of the most powerful, yet sadly neglected, solutions to overpopulation.
Learn more about women’s rights and population here.
Virtually alone, the Center for Biological Diversity is breaking the taboo by directly tying population growth to environmental problems through efforts like giving away condoms in colorful packages depicting endangered animals. The idea is to start a debate about how overpopulation crowds out species and hastens climate change — just when the world is welcoming Baby No. 7 Billion.
“Wrap with care, save the polar bear,” reads one of the packages. “Wear a condom now, save the spotted owl,” says another.
Kierán Suckling, executive director of the center, a membership-based nonprofit organization in Tucson, said he had an aha moment a few years ago. “All the species that we save from extinction will eventually be gobbled up if the human population keeps growing,” he said.
A new study shows that the majority of wildlife ranges are now under intense human pressure due to population growth and changes in the use of the land.
Google image
In a landmark and powerful documentary on the BBC, Population Matters patron Chris Packham looked at the challenges of population growth, and made an impassioned plea for it to become a core part of environmental debate.
"Population: serious and necessary debate
gets silenced"
Australian fires AP news
Jan 21, 2020 · SYDNEY, Australia — In late October, lightning struck brittle earth on Gospers Mountain in New South Wales. The remains of trees bone dry from consecutive....
Indigenous activists at Standing Rock (Google)
Developing countries can fuel economic expansion and boost productivity by investing in family planning and reproductive health
"Any small bit helps in the climate war.
We can do more than just one thing, surely?"
Oct 29, 2011 · Photo: TakverIn the late '90s, environmental activist and author Bill McKibben wrote a book about his and his wife's decision to have only one child, connecting their personal choice to global issues
The New York Times › earth › brin...
Major American environmental groups have dodged the subject of population control for decades, wary of getting caught up in the bruising politics of reproductive health. Yet, virtually alone, the Center…
Dec 20, 2007 · Once again a highly informative, well-written, and lively article by Bill McKibben on books with an ... serious initiative to bring population growth under control—or even reduce it over the decades…
Sep 23, 2014 · Population control is a taboo subject as humans refuse to do anything to stop their own self-destruction. Author photo. By ... Even Bill McKibben's 350.org global team. Everybody knows
Population has become one of the most important issues in socio-economic development worldwide. Population growth directly triggers higher demand for provision of various aspects of human existence including food, healthcare, housing, jobs, infrastructure, access to resources and many other issues.
Controlling population, shaping the future - National - The Jakarta Post
However, to avoid the Environmental Kuznets Curve taking a linear shape after an estimated turning point, our research further proposes to raise political awareness on the importance of population control and..…
Feb 28, 2009 · Colin Feltham: As the planet's resources dwindle, a debate on population control is needed more than ever. ... Sign up to the Green Light email to get the planet's most important stories…
As human populations grow, human demands for resources like water, land, trees, and energy also grow. ... After all, the denial of the rights of women and girls are important factors that significantly contribute to high.…
May 17, 2009 · POPULATION CONTROL IMPORTANT IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Parliament this week dedicated time to discuss the issue of population growth in relation to national development as envisioned…
Apr 27, 2018 · PDF | The main purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence of the validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis for 86.…
May 8, 2014 · Carl Safina: Some say innovations will solve problems of unlimited population growth; U.N. expects world population to be 9.6 ... Is it possible to think more incoherently about matters of such importance…
Population Matters is a UK-based charity which campaigns to achieve a sustainable human population, to protect the natural world and improve people's lives
(Many scientists, including James Lovelock for instance,believe that 1billion is a healthy, Green sustainable and peak population for the comfort and safety of all of the human race, and the earth,and its many living creatures)
Sperm counts are falling: but
"while the 50 percent drop in the West sounds dramatic, men’s sperm counts are still well within a normal range. As one andrology professor told the Science Media Centre, average sperm counts went from “‘normal’ (99 million sperm per mL) to ‘normal’ (47 million sperm per mL).” Again, doctors don’t start worrying until semen dips below 15 million sperm per mL "
All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder - and ultimately impossible - to solve with ever more people."
– Sir David Attenborough, Population Matters patron