Last night, dark money D.C. super PAC Senate Majority PAC spent $400,000 to flood Iowa’s television markets with advertisements supporting our opponent, Theresa Greenfield. D.C. dark money interference is unsurprising. What is surprising is Theresa Greenfield’s acquiescence to the use of dark money, despite End Citizen’s United’s support for her campaign and the pledge that every candidate in this race made to reject such interference.
Iowan’s know their values, and they understand that Washington’s interference in our primary is unwanted and undemocratic. As I travel across Iowa, I hear over and over again from Democrats that they, not Washington, want to pick their Senate nominee to take on Joni Ernst. We should give them that opportunity let them pick from a slate of candidates not dirtied by dark money.
To understand the sordid character behind Senate Majority PAC and Theresa Greenfield’s new ad, take a look at who’s funding it: Corporations, Media Moguls, Big Pharma. Last cycle, Bain Capital gave $750,000 to Senate Majority PAC. We’re old enough to remember what Bain Capital meant in 2012; that any candidate would welcome Bain money into our race goes against this state’s values. We should expect better of our candidates for U.S. Senate, and we should not stoop to Joni Ernst’s level.
I’m calling on Theresa Greenfield to honor the anti dark money pledge we all swore and disavow such craven interference in our primary election. She must demand that Senate Majority PAC pull her ad before it hits the air.
Every candidate in this race should honor this vow and meet this vital standard.