As the Trump administration leans more and more into the idea that hundreds of thousands of American deaths may be worth it, the Republican Party’s most sycophantic death cultists have begun to disseminate this madness into the public. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, best known for blaming everything except guns for gun deaths, went on Tucker Carlson’s ministry of information entertainment show on Monday evening to plead with the Democratic Party to allow elderly Americans out into public, along with the rest of the American consumers, to risk their lives for capitalism. Lt. Gov. Patrick wants to protect the American way of life—even if that means killing yourself and creating a historic crisis to our healthcare infrastructure.*
DAN PATRICK: And you know Tucker, no one reached out to me and said, as a senior citizen, ‘Are you willing to take a chance on your survival, in exchange for keeping the America that all America [sic] loves, for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in.
Holy cow, that’s low. Because I’ll tell you this—you know who isn’t going to be outside shaking seniors’ hands as they save capitalism during this pandemic? Do you know who isn’t going to be visiting the potentially hundreds of thousands of dying grandparents in their ICU tents to say “Thank you for saving the America that all America loves?” Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.
Patrick proceeded to explain that this didn’t make him “noble” or “brave.” No, Dan, none of us think it does. It makes you possibly a sociopath, but not noble or brave. Patrick then continued his bizarre guilt trip of American grandparents saying that he, Dan Patrick, has a brood of grandkids too and he doesn’t want to “sacrifice” America just because he’s in a demographic most susceptible to the worst outcomes of the COVID-19, coronavirus. Forget about the fact that people between the ages of 25-55 are also ending up in critical condition, spending long periods in ICUs around the world as a result of this virus.
Patrick finished by saying his message was “Let’s get back to work. Let’s get back to living. Let’s be smart about it, and those of us that are 70 plus, we’ll take care of ourselves. But don’t sacrifice the country.” Actually Dan, you won’t take care of yourselves. If you get sick, nurses and doctors and orderlies and whoever is healthy enough to take care of you will be breaking their necks to make sure your sorry, corrupt, confused soul stays in this plane of existence. But, if you really believe all that, why don’t you start us off, take a trip to one of your city’s ICU units, shake some hands, but be smart! Don’t touch that stupid face of yours! And then you can just ride out into the sunset knowing you saved your America.
*Which, ironically, would destroy this mythical America Patrick loves so very much.